The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“I hope you did not hit your head during that fall of yours. Could you show me it please?”

“Hey, don’t look at me! Cap wasn’t going to accept a detour back to Adiart with the guards and Navy surrounding the place like wolves.”

“Of course! I will get it in un moment.”

He runs with unnatural speed. That electric pace is so incredibly fast he blows right by you down to the back room.

In just a few moments, he comes racing up with what you’ve been looking for.

“I am no cult. We are a brotherhood.”

“That was… quick.”

Zynx plays the music box and it reminds her of when she was small.

“How much would this item cost?”

“Twentyfivesilver” The words are at the same pace as his running speed. That is to say ridiculous.

“That still sounds like a cult, buddy. What if I’m not interested in joining your ‘brotherhood?’”

Lilly moves her arms a tad, seeing if she can work them free.

(also getting dragged on your ass in the forest would probably hurt after a while lol)

“You are an interesting type of person, you know”.

Zynx pays him the silver and takes the box. As she leaves, she says

“I hope… you have a nice day?”

“I don’t understand the question. We will be there momentarily.”

The ropes were shoddily done. You can feel your arms getting loose almost instantly.

“Of course! GOODBYE!”

He slams the door behind her when she leaves.

Zynx returns to her Carriage and tells her butler

“That… was interesting for sure”.


Cedar starts heading back to his ship at a rapid speed feeling panicked as he feels like time is getting short on him.
“Shit, I can’t wait for those two now. Maybe they’ll take a different ship or something!”

Lily moves to undo the ropes on her arms and legs, removing her blindfold after she does as well.

Parn steps out from the ship, landing on the dock.

“Your majesty-hic-, your transport has arrived.”

He mockingly bows. He’s drunk off his ass again for the third day in a row.

“Thanks, Parn. We’re missing Marian, but I don’t know if she’ll come back. I’m afraid we’re going to have to leave her behind. Time isn’t on our side right now.”

As you begin to free all of your restraints, you now realize that your presumption of being in a forest was completely wrong. In reality, you are in a cellar of some kind, and an invisible force is dragging your around in circles.

Looking to the sides of the room their are portraits, both of people you know and…people you were. They are all glaring at you, judging you.

“Of course, monsieur. Your vessel awaits. I’ve made contact to the entire surrounding area, and haven’t found trace nor sight of Marian.”

He signals with a slight panic on his face to the ship.

“Cocaine’s helluva drug.”

“Alllllllright then, this totally isn’t creepy.”

Lily chuckles half-nervously and attempts to get up. Clearly this is only a nightmare or some after effects from the tea.

(brb afk)

Cedar breathes a deep sigh before he steps onto the ship.
“I’m sure she’ll come back eventually. I heard she has a habit of exploring suspicious places from time to time.”