The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

‘But is it really?’ A whisper enters your ear.

The room instantly transforms to house you blacked out in, wretched woman and all.

You see yourself on the floor, blacked out as the woman concentrates a beam on your skull, causing your body to light up.

“She’s the type to abandon ship when we call for a war. I’m sure of it.” his face is in a scowl.

“You should’ve never let her on this vessel. We’ve no need for traitors amongst our ranks.”

Cedar frowns and looks down at himself.
“She was getting hungry and she didn’t have enough money to buy anything. I was only suggesting Captain to keep her so she wouldn’t die.”

“Oh right. Sorry for the late introduction. Where is it…”

Andar fumbles around with his pocket to take out the royal seal. He shows it to the prince and duke.

“The name’s Iskandar Lionheart. Nice seeing ya, brother. Cousin.”

“And she’s well off now, but then why does she stick with us?”

He narrows his gaze at Cedar, closing the distance between them.

“To freeload. It’s only natural she would abandon us when the dice fell.”

He lifts up Cedar’s chin.

“You have to understand that not everybody needs to be saved. Some just take advantage of your kindness.”

For a few minutes, Cedar doesn’t have the courage to speak, but deep down, he knew what Parn said was the truth, it’s hard to trust anyone these past few years and giving trust to a girl that had nothing much to contribute was not a safe idea. Maybe it was for the best that Marian hasn’t been found.
“…I’m sorry for being so foolish. I promise to not make the same mistake again.”

“It’s your job to learn these things for yourself. I’m not going to be around to guide you forever. Hell, there is a bounty on my head in five nations.” Parn grimaces when mentioning the bounty, remembering a distant disappointment.


“Of course.”

(wait. I see myself on the floor like third person? am i viewing reality? how does herbalist have magic light beam)

(yes. yes. ???.)

Rain begins to stir. It’s light for now, but it will likely start to get worse soon.

Lily attempts to shove the woman, seeing if it does anything or if it’s just an illusion.

“Who would’ve guessed; Jill has magic powers after all.”

The whispers are back again though… Maybe they can help me?

Cedar runs towards the steering wheel as he notices rain approaching.
“Parn, raise the port! We’re moving out!”

sans just teleports in

*hey kid. you need help with that steering wheel?
afterall, i did drive while carbone was emitting into the air.

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Parn does as commanded.
“THIS is what I expect out of someone like you. Actually taking the initiative on something.”

Cedar almost lets go of the stirring wheel, but he manages to hold on as he emits a loud and almost high-pitched scream.
“What the hell are ya and how did ya get on my ship?!”

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When trying to shove the woman, your arms phase directly through her ?.

Actually, your arms stop midway through shoving. You can now feel a strange sensation. The light that wasn’t even affecting you before now begins to warm your hand.

“Holy. Shit. It’s that thing I saw earlier from one of my hallucinations.”

He glances around.

“I need to stop drinking.”

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*heh. its a long story actually. you know, just happened to land up here while i took one of my famous shortcuts.

Lily quickly retracts her hands.

“Okay, so that didn’t work…”

She attempts to touch objects, seeing if her hands phase through those as well.