The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

“That… fucking… DICK!”
Marian looks like she’s ready to throw the book down on the ground in frustration.

This is the exact reason of why I was kept where I was.

“Fucking… shit.”
Marian realizes that she should probably not throw it as its shows the only way to the Cultist’s Hideout.
“How close are we to our destination?”

An hour.

She sighs and whisper under her breath.
“It’ll all be over soon, Marian. You’ll get what you’re coming for and you can save the land from Captain Asshole.”

Lars simply replies,
“You may.”

You do not have the power to influence these events from taking their course.

Not yet at least.

“Not yet? …. I’m sure resurrecting some more soldiers will change that, right?”

Not enough.

“Then what can we do to change fate?”

To change what will happen, you will need to cede yourself to the whims of gods.

They may listen to your plight.

“C-Cede?! … We can do that once we get to the hideout, right? I’m not quite ready to do that at the moment.”

Of course.

In a back room, you found a scepter of some kind. It likely belonged to that woman.

Lily takes the scepter, examining it. (oh boy sorc time)

The brand on the back of your hand begins to light up when touching the scepter.

It spreads, the branches of the brand going up your sleeve.

Lily blinks a couple times, surprised, then shrugs and continues to search the cottage. A magic staff was not the weirdest thing that has happened today.

“Okay, a magic staff. Cool.”

Nothing else of interest could be found. It seemed like that woman took up residence here just recently, considering the–oh god there’s a body in the closet.

When opening up a closet, a body falls out. It looks like they died recently, their chest area completely burnt out. The clothes they wore were very visibly made by hand.

Marian closes her eyes and begins to think to herself. If she has to speak to a god in order to save Adiart, why didn’t they just go to a church? Why do it in an abandoned hideout where the Cultists used to live?

Lily screams upon opening up the closet, scrambling away from the body. Sure, dealing with bodies isn’t completely out of line in the medical field, but this… was completely unexpected, to say the least.

“EEEEKK! Oh, fuck, oh, fuck.”

Lily moves toward the door, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible, but some thrifty part of her wants to make sure that the body doesn’t have anything useful first.

“It’s just a body Lily, nothing to frightened of. It can’t hurt you.”

After reassuring herself that she will be fine, she inspects the body.