The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

The body has nothing on them, unless you’d like torn, burnt clothes.

Wait, you notice a small note sticking out from their pocket.

(i love burnt torn clothes geyde, thanks! owo wait. a note?)

Lily grabs the note and reads it aloud.

From Her Majesty’s high command,

We must leave at once to contact Adiart officials. Corruption from the inside has resulted in the chain of command being lambasted by regulations. Given that the admiral is now under inspection for committing treason, communication must be forwarded that most of the ships must be recalled back to Crittania’s harbors.

Duly note that her Majesty is sorrowful for this blunder of a mistake. The Admiral always had a soft spot for gambling, piracy, and the like.

The most important note to give to the king is that he will be under no protection for the next week, so any attack will be utterly perilous to defend.

That’s all, major.

The rest of the note is decidedly difficult to decipher.

Lily reads the note with increasing alarm, realizing what the note says. She pockets the note, putting it in a place where it shouldn’t fall out when running or fighting. (because it sucks)

“Oh, snails, we’re screwed.”

She walks out of the cottage and heads toward the capital, deciding it for the best if she told the king.

(yeah, she does hate most of the nobles, but she hates dying even more)

(also do i have magic powers? also brb in 20-ish minutes)

“Book? What kind of god do I have to speak to? It’s not some psychotic and bloodthirsty one, is it?”

They are accepting.

(It will take 20 minutes to arrive at the capital)

“That’s a bit reassuring, I guess… I wish we can walk faster.”

As Lily is walking through the forest, it suddenly comes to mind that she should try out the scepter. She points it at a tree, seeing if it has any effect.

Her pointing does…absolutely nothing.

Remembering the corpse in the closet, she tentatively whispers, “Ex… plode?”

He looks at both, quietly, taking the book again from her hands before it was even seriously damaged.
“I will stay with it”
@PoisonedSquid @Geyde

@damafaud @cheesyknives
Vilhelm perceives he was starting to recline on the chair and corrects his posture.
“Yes, you may.”
Thinking better, the guards shouldn’t let any charlatan enter…

“Yeah… that’s a good idea.”

“Would also be safer if I read it”
He stops, as if realizing something.
“What rights do demons have upon those who break their pacts?”

Very few.

In any case, we have arrived.

The group happens upon a clearing in the flora.

They immediately come to spot a burned down construction of some sort. It creeks at its edges, standing where it has for hundreds of years. Initials were painstakingly engraved unto the space above the entrance, a sort of title ascribed to it.


Past the first three letters, it is difficult to make out the rest. A shield emblem is depicted below the words.

“Well, I guess we have nothing else to do but go in.”
Marian walks towards the entrance being cautious about her surroundings.

Saying the words, something happens!

From your hand spurts forth a nearly invisible force. It’s like a fine powder thrown into the air, and it fades away in a moment’s notice.