The Throne... Of Lies... Returns. [Roleplay Thread]

The room was black as pitch.

You recognized that this was your room.

“This ruler… May you speak more of their name?”
The fear in Marian slowly starts to disappear as she feels more relaxed. The whispers in her mind feel so calming to her, but she doesn’t know why. And yet, does it matter why?

Trying to feel about to the side, he smiled. He knew the apparently untrustworthy lady was around so perhaps he could feign trusting her… “Could you turn on the light for me miss…? You realised how to change the room, didn’t you?”

The motive for not completing the ritual then returned to his mind, even if twisted as something tried to change memories.
He tried to interact with the paralyzed body. No signal. His power would not do anything to directly interrupt it, as he already knew.
According the memorised instructions… “The target should stop screaming, by physical means if necessary” Maybe it was only to start the trance, but something could be done if he could get her to scream.
Getting out a glove, what looked to be a very distorted and even disturbing hand appeared. Breaking the illusion spell for this part, this arm would assume its true form: A giant claw the size of the entire arm, black as death, its shoulder allowing both uppercut and slash attacks.
He has given a hit which would be sufficient to force some reaction out of her… However, due to muscle memory, it may have been way too strong.

“My child, I will tell you of the tale of a great hero.”

“Once upon a time, there was a man named Chez. He was always different than the rest, as he had fled his homeland because they were always mean to him. They were jealous of his hidden greatness, so they made him poor.”

“In escaping to Adiart, he formed a fast friendship with the young prince who he had befriended after meeting him. Many would say they were inseparable, and they fought many battles side by side.”

“But tragedy struck. The young prince soon grew ailed and weak. In his last moments, he shocked the world by telling them all that noble blood should not govern all, saying his true heir to be Chez.”

“From that day forward Chez ruled Adiart with loving, guiding hands.”

(This cat has some good instincts.)

Did she fuck up? Oh well. Lily gets up and points her staff toward the cat. It seemed frightened at her earlier, right? Maybe this would scare it off.

“Shoo, begone. No one likes your shitty reaction tests.


ez scum spotted

The cat purrs, beginning to lick itself.

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“Is he no longer with us, Corax?”
Little fear is left within her as tranquility is the only feeling that really matters.

“The new successor shall be like him, my child.”
Music can be heard. It’s some sort of lullaby.

( @Mercenary )

Nothing happened. Oh fuck I screwed big.
“The target should be blinded, and unable to see.”
She was normal, just with eyes closed. He attempted to, with his still normal hand, forcelly attempt to open it. To open both.

(ikr but it’s not running right now as the Squid one is
I’m in a niche situation for returning

Her eyes are open now. They seem to stare off into the distance, somewhere you can’t quite know.

Well… Okay that wasn’t what she expected to happen. Maybe it would let her pet it now? Hopefully it won’t scratch…

Lily stoops down to scratch the cat behind the ears.

Marian feels even more relaxed as the music makes her feel more drowsy making it hard to keep her thoughts.
“Who shall be the new successor to the throne?”

The cat purrs, beginning to rub itself against your leg.


“It will all be obvious in time, my child. For now, you must rest.”

Ok I am not blinding one of her eyes out. Yet.
Fuck why did I never search on how to cancel rituals before.
“The target should only hear the Cult and heir own name, all external noise should be removed”
He probably would be considered as Cult. Walking upstairs, the runes in the walls glamed at him with ill shine and the stone moved with only a thought. Amongst the ruins, he tried to find a source of noise.

Why are you trying to interrupt it.

State your intention.

“Yes… rest…”
Her consciousness slowly starts to drift as a smile comes across her face.