The Unseen Captains[Alternate gamemode or some shizzle]

It was previously thought that the organisation known as the Unseen was local to Castle Adiart, but our scouts have recently discover that what we are used to is just a fraction of the Unseen’s true numbers, we have also discovered that the mysterious person known only as “The Mastermind” is not the true leader, but just one of the Unseen’s leadership group, referred to as Captains, each Captain has a different strategy which they employ to take down the Blue Dragon from within

All captains are Unique and only one captain can appear per game

The Mastermind

Unseen Special
Can’t touch this (Passive) - You cannot be killed at night
In The Shadows (Passive) - You appear as Not Suspicious to The Sheriff for the first 3 nights
Convert (Night) - Change target player into the Unseen version of their Class - 1 Night Cooldown
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

  • The Mastermind prefers to work alone, but under the insistence of his fellow captains, he brings an Assassin along with him

  • The Living Unseen Limit for the Mastermind is 3

The Kidnapper

Unseen Killer
Face in the Crowd (Passive) - You cannot be killed at night
Tricks of the Trade (Passive) - Although you are Unique, a random Unseen member can take your place if you die, but only once
Kidnap (Day) - Choose a player to jail at night occupying the target. You both will be able to talk to each other, your methods appear identical to those of the Prince, however you cannot jail the Prince - Infinite Uses
Execute (Night) - Kill the player you have jailed - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

  • The Kidnapper works better in a group, he brings three random Unseen members along with him(not Assassin tho)

  • The Living Unseen Limit for the Kidnapper is 4

The Necromancer

Unseen Support
Supernatural Power (Passive) - You cannot be killed at night
Religious Dominance (Passive) - You cannot appear when a Priest appears
Raise Undead (Night) - Resurrect a dead Blue Dragon member, converting them to the Unseen - 1 Use
Healing Spell (Night) - Heal a player, if they are attacked by someone other than the Unseen tonight you will convert them to the Unseen - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

  • The Necromancer doesn’t like getting her hands dirty, and so she brings along an Assassin, as well as one random Unseen member
  • The Living Unseen Limit for the Necromancer is 4

The Ghoul

Unseen Killer
Cursed Body (Passive) - If you are killed at night, your killer becomes a Ghoul
Necessary Murder (Passive) - If you are executed during the day, a random Unseen member will become an Assassin
Ghostly Whispers (Day) - Secretly send a message to the Unseen - 3 uses
Maul (Night) - Kill a player - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

  • The Ghoul is a rather weak captain, so he/she/it brings along 2 random unseen members
  • The Living Unseen Limit for the Ghoul is 3
  • I “borrowed” this from Camp Cadaver in case you were wondering if I did

The Warlock

Unseen Offensive
Charm of Focus (Passive) - You cannot be killed at night or occupied
Too many cooks… (Passive) - You can only have one living Minion at a time, if they die they stay aligned with the Unseen, but if they remain alive and you Mind Control another, your current Minion will cease being your Minion
Mind Link (Day) - Learn the Night Results of your Minion tonight - 1 Day cooldown
Mind Control (Night) - Target player becomes your Minion, they share your objective but they do not know who you are, you both will be able to talk to each other at night- Infinite Uses
Direct (Night) - Choose a target, your Minion will target this target instead of their chosen target - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you

  • The Warlock dislikes killing, and so brings an Assassin with him, along with a random Unseen member
  • The Living Unseen Limit for the Warlock is 3(and 1 minion)

ignore the mastermind’s lack of “Dirty Work” i made this ages ago and only just got around to posting it

in Kidnapper’s situation he shouldn’t see the other Unseen members. So he will have hard time thinking who to execute. Or class becomes too OP while being able to kill a Reaper.

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I like the idea of each prisoner wondering if their Prince is good or evil.

Warlock is very strange. Only because it converts a player and then un-converts a player. This could cause a whole slew of gamethrowing issues.

I like it, but I think there needs to be some balancing with how many unseen the kidnapper brings with him.

I wonder how The Kidnapper would mess up the meta of always claiming to the Prince. Just the mere existence of Kidnapper can make players think twice about pasting their journals.

I like the idea of different scum leaders though. I don’t like the Warlock only because conversion is an iffy mechanic at best in mafia games, and this class can troll a single person into changing their agenda over and over and over.

question. For the Warlock, would it be considered gamethrowing if a minion tries to kill the Warlock before dying themself, as that would release them, even though technically, they are now a member of the unseen faction?

And, are Raise Undead, Healing Spell, and Mind Control limited by conversion-immunity?

RU and HS are, MC isn’t but probably should be

and, does Mind Control change the goal statement of the minion?
