The Vampires [Faction]

How does it affect people who already completed their win condition

The reason this faction is underpowered is the fact that sheriffs and paladins can both spawn in this game. They start with one member compared to the standard 2. They have less KPN then both cult and unseen and them having less KPN when they only start with 1 member is absurd, being able to convert people who are immune does not make up for this fact nor will it ever. Not even letting the faction infinite convert will make up for this

This class can be screwed by a random n1 knight defend or death.

ToL tried to make Cult a third-party faction a long time ago and it didn’t work out. For one, I don’t think a third-party faction would fit well into the game. Second of all, convert immunes should be immune to conversion.

This is the main evil faction

Conversion is broken


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wtf orange this is tol get out of here

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