The Worst IPick | Cancelled. Everybody wins

Its not the fact that you are evil, its just the fact that you arent useful to town since Marl is a stronger form of you

I was mafia pre reroll and I had a convert plus an immunity bypassing kill

I was also death immune and occupy immune

How is he stronger?

Iā€™m going to stop talking to you until youā€™re dead and canā€™t respond

@Hippolytus if you donā€™t res the cat Iā€™ll heal you every night

Only from wish or if I guess corectly wich color is a heal, if any.

Because I have a tie on in my profile picture


If I am town he should Rez me.

More mad your juding me I am not town based on power level


Ressurecting you might just be the most anti town thing hip could do

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what the fuck is this game

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I dub it

D1 clusterfuck



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I just realized I forgot to add a way to refill my chamber

Btw Celeste I have a fm with one slot open :^]

Rezzing a townie is a thing he should do.

Your just mad at me for no reason.

Your reasons are bad.

Uhhhhh is it Mountainous 666

Eeeeā€¦ not sure how does it works with wish granting, lul.

Probably doesnā€™t and would just occupy me.

Whatā€™s that? I donā€™t speak corpse
