The Worst IPick | Cancelled. Everybody wins

Cough Evil within and that game where he was MM

Me just want to heal someboody One moe.

Lmao but Evil Within was bastard. I still want at least a soft role claim regardless

I canā€™t
Suicide isnā€™t one of my actions
And if you mean leave the game then thats pointless

Also, who betterto use a day big in than someone who is better off dead but they cant waste a lynch on (also they say Iā€™m fool, which is fair but I have done this exact same thing before)

Oh yeah, I have done pretty much this exact same thing before

If I was fool/jester I would control my behavior to seem scummy (stop making plans, sheeping without so much as a blurb, etc)

casually checks what game this is


If you know exactly how a Jester would act, then you could act contrary to that.

Your logic doesnā€™t disprove you as Jester.

Anyway, soā€¦ What are we doing today?

Killing u

(On phone now)

I see, but reason you are killing me wereā€¦

I said I make events and that was confirmed
Thus thereā€™s no reason to get rid of me when I was honest
Unless thereā€™s any proof

I see, have you already dayvig me?


I may reconsider if you give me good info

Did you just really try and pull the
ā€œIā€™m evil, huh? why donā€™t you prove it?!ā€

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Iā€™m pretty sure PKR is town. I already hard claimed investigator :stuck_out_tongue:

Godfather passive exists.

No I took a peek at his first night ability