The Worst IPick | Cancelled. Everybody wins

What was it?

Dunno if I should tell. The mystic who linked me knows and thinks he’s probably town anyway : P

Im hard claiming invest too

Meh its more like special tho

Youll see

You’re claiming to use some OP investigative ability tonight… Care to elaborate? Honestly you haven’t really done much so far, got any info/reads to share?

U are town


Celeste say otherwise :^)))))))


Ah nvm

Celeste hes gut

Normal name = fake role apparently

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Then im 100% nit scum xd

I, too, have a powerful one shot night ability that I’m using tonight. protectives on M tonight then, if you trust him I guess.

Can we whisper?


My wish was a day investigation check, not a day vig.

How would protectives be on M unless you already know hes immune to my dayvig

Are you just going to dayvig me because I have a silence ability?

That is a very weak proof.

No, thats just a waste of an ability slot for something town wouldnt need ever. A silence isnt useful town. FOR GOD SAKE WE DEPEND ON TALKING.