Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

To vote or not to vote?
That’s the question.

I hath ran out of time

Day 2 Vote Count :joy_cat:

Vote Target Voted by Votes
joy_cloud joy_lock, joy_eggplant, joy_eevee, joy_grapes 4/7
joy_eevee joy_cloud 1/7


Where is everyone at in this fine village?

I don’t know.
Treeing I guess.

I am seriously paranoid about the lack thereof of a CW

Yes that’s a thing isn’t it.
Makes me think the wolves are possibly content and sidelining.

Day 2 Final Vote Count :joy_cat:

Vote Target Voted by Votes
joy_cloud joy_lock, joy_eggplant, joy_eevee, joy_grapes 4/7
joy_eevee joy_cloud 1/7


Cloud was executed

This is what they were



This game has obviously been suffering from serious activity issues, with several players not even meeting the postcap today. Furthermore, we understand that various issues, such as the day 1 integrity breach, may have affected players’ willingness to play the game. As such, we have decided to poll on whether to can the game.

Please vote in your rolecards by 1 hour before the scheduled start of day on whether you would prefer to can the game, or continue playing. (If you tree your vote it counts as a vote to can.)

Do not discuss your vote, or the results of the vote, in the game thread.


Okay, we’re going to do something slightly unconventional. Basically, we don’t think that the game, in it’s current state, can go on. It’s very low activity, has tons of integrity issues, and many don’t want to play it.

So what we’re going to do is publicly reveal the identities of every player, and people will post on their main account. In place of a jump, the mafia will instead have the option of suiciding one of their own slots and converting a player. If you don’t wish to continue this way, you’re welcome to replace out with no penalty.

We’re committed to creating a quality game for our players, but due to rulebreaks caused by people believing themselves above the rules, this has clearly gone off of the track we hoped for. Identities will be revealed shortly, and day will begin 2021-03-05T00:00:00Z.

These are the CURRENT holders of all living slots.

You are allowed to discuss anything that occured in thread before as long as it follows the forum mafia rules.

Joy_Moon - PokemonKidRyan
Joy_Hamster - an_gorta_pratai
Joy_Pig - Appelsiini
Joy_Lock - Marluxion
Joy_Eggplant - clonedcheese
Joy_Baseball - Universal
Joy_Coin - sulit
Joy_Alarm - min
Joy_Grapes - Whysper
Joy_stop - Crichard
Joy_France - WIndwardaway
Joy_Eevee - EVO

You are allowed to blame eevee for solution Marshal explained.

You can also just blame Marshal.


And, just to clarify, wolves will only be able to kill one of their own slots and jump somebody twice per game. For example, if they had used 2 jumps already, they would have no converts left. If they hadn’t used any, they would have two.

Deaths will still be flipless.


@sulit / @Joy_Coin has died!

She was…


Day 3 begins and ends at uh


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Hey guys, I’m so happy I can post on my main now!


@Marluxion we’ve got some talking to do.


is anyone actually surprised I was alarm

also wtf cloned is the last person I’d think to be eggplant

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I was being mean to soolit
o no :frowning:
sorry @sulit