Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

My Town RN would probably be:
Eggplant (There interactions I’ve been having with them is like real genuine)
Lock (least confident)

(Maybe Coin too but I need more from them)

I went from Scum Lean to NullTown on Eggplant.

Dear god, this is the most disingenuous ISO I have ever seen.

After my push on Alarm, I was satisfied with the reaction I got. The post where I say this is literally quoted further down in your ISO

…I don’t know what to say to this. Are you trying to imply something?

Because I wanted to find out what alarm made of Lock’s push?


Posted before the VC, and the only thing in thread for the last 100-200 posts was you, me and Eggplant.

after ISOing tongue, i understand your case,
and if i must judge, im afraid i face
a conflict between my brain and my gut,
and tongue is less towny than i first thought.

but is it enough to call them scum?
im not quite convinced that my work is done.
i could see them as either, and ill move them to null
but at least their ISO is far from dull.

I need to look at Cloud a tiny bit more
I seem to remember as the “neutral” camp between me and alarm, giving weak positions supporting both

joy_shirt has been pinging me for a while now and they’re kind of being overlooked because of the drama between eggplant and alarm

opener seems pretty performative but also probably too awkward to come from a wolf

this makes no sense - the point is that clock is concerned with having their identity stolen, or at least that’s how they want it to appear
it really does not seem like joy_shirt is reading the game

“because” has me tinfoiling worlds with shirt/clock w/w which makes sense because shirt’s early push on them seemed faked and performative, although atm i think clock/eggplant has much higher equity which i’ll explain later in the post

shirt posts their scumteam of alarm/tongue/france despite giving almost no content on france at all prior to the post and only giving an OMGUS read on tongue
they also say tongue is shading and defending them so woohoo, another post that was made with practically no thought in mind

ironically just after criticizing alarm for townreading tongue so soon, joy_shirt was quick to assume eggplant was town but never explained why
@Joy_Shirt why do you think eggplant is town

another meaningless post with no thought behind it seemingly crafted to fit the narrative of appearing to do something when in actual fact, they are not, in spite of being a top poster

this is the closest thing we have to content from shirt on eggplant, but it really does not explain nothing, and i’m really worried about the coordinated push of eggplant and shirt onto clock, then moving onto tongue

shirt has been incredibly jumpy and a solid 50% of their posts either make no sense, are incredibly faked, or both
i also want to get some content from joy_heart but i think this slot is a good kill

Day ends in 4 hours and 45 minutes

Why am I started to doubt my reads.

Maybe I’m just that bad

Still hand that Mindmelt with Moon regarding Cloud so I’ll put Moon in my town as well.

I mean I wouldn’t be opposed to a Shirt elimination.

ill be perfectly honest, i simply assumed
that shirt hated poetry, which paints me as doomed.

GTG, Be back before EoD.

Getting good vibes from France.
Seeing as they agree with me that Cloud pushing on Eggplant feels odd, they’re probably rand V.
Also I see they like to post in poem form.
Feels like this is more likely V than W.
Could be just stupid me, though annoying people with organising posts in poem form doesn’t look like somethings wolves would want to do.
As they’d want to be I don’t know? Less annoying and more friendly.

Interesting. I should probably take another look at that interaction.

you should probably take poems as NAI,
but its good to see you dont want me to die!
im trying my best to convey all my thoughts
in a way that my reads are easily caught.

I thought it’d be funny if I just didn’t post for the rest of the day but I should probably be here for EOD.

(on a side note i am feeling quite happy this time
that the new joy_stop will read more than two lines of mine.)

… This makes sense I guess.
Ok you can be town for today.

ill be back before the end of day;
some chores must be done before i can play.

Have fun with your chores.