Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

Does anyone stand out as not being towny to you?

I just stated Joy_France from when I was skimming

Oh you donā€™t think France was towny.

Yes I donā€™t think France stands out as towny. It just mainly comes down to how I felt reading their posts though

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Anything specific? As in a post you didnā€™t like or is it something less specific such as vibes?

Well it mainly has to do with the poems. Joy_France seemed to try and establish themselves as a main force in the thread, giving them the ability to control thread to a certain extent. These posts can be seen in the poems they made after every major vote or starting period, giving me the impression they were having fun with the current game despite our diminishing prospects.

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Iā€™ll be back after watching this movie

Hmm I see.
Theyā€™ve stopped posting poems and they seem serious now.
Oh yeah dunno if you missed this, weā€™re all revealed now.

I believe they may be serious because they lost their anonymity. Now they may feel pressure to play according to their usual selves because they can be meta-read.

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Think everyone generally has similar reads on the france slot as a tryhard

Are there any slots we disagree on?

Im still saying alarm (min) hasnt been towny, not accounting for meta

I donā€™t think france was a tryhard lol

Especially seeing that itā€™s wind

Isnā€™t Wind obvious as town though?
I get town vibes from Wind even before being revealed when she played as France.

wait, why couldnā€™t Whysper and Evo be W/W?

It doesnā€™t make sense for 2 wolves to bus each other at this stage of the game with only dead townies.
They can simply let town do the hard work of destroying themselves without having to do much.

Iā€™m a bit surprised that I forgot that Whysper voted EVO

Well, Iā€™m getting a bit tired, but letā€™s talk about the nightkill on Sulit because currently I donā€™t see anyone talking about it.

Actually, did anyone have a towncore before this day?

If weā€™re going with the theory that there was a jump from Popcorn to someone else, then they probably wouldnā€™t have used their 2nd jump. Which means Sulit was probably night killed.

I need evidence of this

Popcorn had a pretty notable text pattern and I donā€™t think ive seen it from anyone yet