Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

Reading (typing any mention of Joy_coin in the search bar) I don’t see much talk about joy_coin or anything TRing or SRing them. Her being nightkilled out of someone like… (seriously was there any consenus town or was it wild west here) would mean something is wrong with this game.

Notable speech from popcorn:



short sentences





I maintain that 1) this slot was a diversion kill from scum and 2) have not found anyone that matches this speech pattern, and vocab specifically

In the vein of #1:
/vote Whysper @Marshal

hanging onto this for too long





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/vote min

@Marshal you don’t have to move any votes
VC would be nice

that’s a good find cloned

also I’m back, Interstellar was great

Well nice one.

Wait what?
Ok this is something I should look at more closely.

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
EVO Whysper 1/6
Whysper clonedcheese 1/6
Crichard ATnoName 1/6
Universal Crichard 1/6

idk if this is angleshooting
probably is
but hosts plz don’t modkill me for this

there’s only a few that uses “hihi”
Those users were:
Maximus Prime
Anstreim (I think, it’s an anon account)

with min using that phrase just 16 days ago, 2 games ago

this doesn’t read like min
this reads like seth

Be careful. We’ve already had people caught breaking rules, don’t add yourself to the list.

i hope linguistic analysis isn’t angleshooting
since that’s the whole point of this game

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I don’t think so seeing as the Things can convert players.
Why would we be unable to use this analysis?

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2 more

  1. I don’t think “haha” is within min’s vocab
  2. I have yet to see min use an ending period

and yet both are used by D1 alarm, not D2 alarm

im confusing myself am i not

im either going to be a towngod or scumgod after this game
it’s either going to be me in corrupt votes or
i have never had a good good game

someone show up and stop me
when i fuck up i fuck up hard

this was Alarm on d1

I kind of don’t think Alarm d2 is the same alarm as d1

d1 Alarm also put more effort in from my point of view