Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

I’ll have to think about that.

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/vote heart @Arete @Marshal

moving on

While I can’t deny your rhyming skill
It seems you have much time to kill

To spend 20 minutes on each post
And while they are the ones I enjoy the most

I can’t help but truly feel
They make your thoughts feel less real

And if my criticism doth offend
I didn’t mean to, my joyful friend

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no offence taken, you have a reason-
its not so hard to understand.
but i dont spend the entire season
trying to write these poems by hand!

(if it gets too hard to trust,
the primary goal is to be clear
with my thoughts, so if I must
ill break the trend to so all can hear
what i mean to say, without delay
and so confusion is kept at bay.)


It seems I can’t deny your speed
With which you wrote that verse
Your writing skills are great indeed
But is that a blessing or a curse?

perhaps its both a good
and a bad thing that its quick.
it doesnt mean i should,
but its simple and its slick.

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If you’re making poems in your post I’m not reading it

Just a fyi


good luck reading me
if you never read my posts.
i dont think thats the way to be,
or I may as well be a ghost.

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I just won’t read you

Well I’ll read the first two lines

And if it’s a poem I’ll keep going

I beg to differ; thats bad for town
and on my face this puts a frown

you said you would read two lines
so two lines did I write
now ill go back to longer verse
because its you ill spite.


While your irritation is noted
Your temper, clearly short
France here is extremely GOATed
So you should be a good sport


(oh no I called it out earlier and now I’m doing it help)

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Anyways, I don’t need to play around being jumped because the mafia won’t be able to fake my enthusiasm and obvtown-ness

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GTH Baseball france v/v because the poem thing doesn’t seem liked planned interaction

also do mafia have day/night chat this is my first time playing on this site lmao

By the end of day one you’ll all be saying :lock: town :joy_cat:


I think I’m going to very much regret joining this game

You and me both brother

At least I’m having fun being degenerate

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