Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

I’m declaring myself a master of noticing small social tics and habits.

If you want to have any chance of jumping and not getting caught, kill me. This is a formal challenge to the wolf team.

If you think you can best me, leave me alive and prove it.

Probably town here. We have to consider every possibility. Even if I know it isn’t the case, assuming that Alarm and I can’t be w/w is a very stupid thing to do. There’s also the very slim possibility of us being v/v

now i have to decide whether this is performative bullshit or :joy_cat:

It’s peak arrogance :^)

Oh weally? Next awe you going to say we need to catch the bad guys? No shit UwU

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While I wouldn’t be, I’m not ready to lock Alarm in as a wolf just yet.

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arrogance about arrogance
how many layers are there
how deep does the rabbit hole go


Can we send you back to the joy factory

Something wasn’t wired right


I have determined I must post more so I die night 1

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/Vote Eevee
I wish I hadn’t joined in the thread rn.
My head hurts.
I cannot even rhyme to express this


This probably won’t work

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Oh yeah. Good catch. I forgot all about saying that. Town, we need to catch the bad guys to win.


Whymes in the thwead was so dumb I litewally skipped stwaight hewe

scummates, we need to kill the town to win


No U

I want to pwolicy kill yew


you are toeing the joy_line, joy_pig
careful or we’ll send you to the joy_abbatoir

O.O The horror!

i think you mean i’m trotting the joy_line

I knew the wisks when I chose this UwU