Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

damn you, anyone could hammer right now and we lose over 24 hours to talk

Post a kitty picture or no taking my vote off.

I’m not opposed to a PKR yeet but considering how hammering went in Umineko, I don’t think it’s a wise idea lol

just take it off for the time being

I kind of agree, but it’s not the time to vote

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I wish for the kitty to face me please.

(angy kitty because L-1)

you know better than this

I wish for a kitty picture that faces me.

we lost time yesterday because hammer go brrrrrrrrrrr and I would rather that not happen again

A kitty picture facing me please.

look at its eyes
it’s begging you not to allow a hammer


how about you take that vote off first

Awww the kitty :smiley:

I am sorry Windward, but I lied. I never had the intention to take my vote off.

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I think this is the weirdest thing I’ve done to try to convince someone not to put the VC at L-1 lol
on the other hand kitten pics are always cute

not surprised tbh

Is what a dishonest Universal would say /unvote @Arete @Marshal

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but asking for cat photos is never a bad thing