Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

If you aren’t a coward you’ll jump and then continue to UwUspeak after jumping to flex


I fucking will too oWu

I think it’ll be easy to tell if Joy_Eevee gets jumped if they’re town. If we see an r in their posts on any future day, they get yeeted hard.

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we never had an actual meme phase because of the poems so now we’re getting a late dollar store one


The poems were the meme phase.

it wasn’t funny


That was just painful


Meme phase is never funny.


I liked France’s poems!

I honestly was really hoping to be a wolf this game as I think it would’ve been really fun to be one. Lucky wolves.

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If it makes you feel any better you’re still a wolf to me


Thanks. :slight_smile:


i was thinking the same thing but then i realised it probably takes a lot of effort to imitate people

True and fair enough.

in other words

i was thinking the same thing until i randed wolf and went “oh fuck”


Stop sheeping or you stink


Poor joyalarm didn’t know that was a joke and it’s being used against me.

I wasn’t trying to be performative. I’ve just been worried. It’s a mix of me not being good at doing poems or whatever mixed with the fact I feel like it’s not that hard to blend in when everyone’s taking the same precautions

I do not mind being killed though, so if it must come to that, I won’t get too salty, not at all

I just hope people understand where I’m coming from.