Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

I’m both mildly amused and mildly annoyed tbh


It’s actually very simple, just compare the wolf’s reaction to the nightkill.

Hmmm, from your statement, I get the feeling you are suggesting it’s Windward. I see from Windward’s reaction that they are kind of pointing the way towards Gorta being the last wolf.

please tell me you’re joking.

I’m confused then. You suggest a powerwolf, and you said to compare the wolf’s reaction, so that would indicate someone that’s already been in the thread.

I guessed I’m confused on where you are going.

Yep, Gorta would indeed be my suspicion, but I feel weird about it because I didn’t think Gorta was wolfy up until yesterday’s EoD. His pop in and complaints about lack of discussion followed by the hammer on PKR were not something I expected to see from him tbh. But I thought ATN was along the same line of thought as I was?

btw I’m still standing by the fact EVO is town.

I’m gonna go to sleep now but yeah, Gorta’s slot warrants a reeval from me. I’m gonna look at everyone again anyway, and make sure I’m not missing something.

Gorta is kind of the most obvious suspicion for today, but then some of the stuff with Appel makes me wonder. I agree that his interactions yesterday in regards to PKR look bad. But still, seems sort of odd he’d approach it that way. I’m surprised he put in so much effort instead of just kind of giving up.

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actually you may have misinterpret, when i mean the nightkill, I mean every nightkill.

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Ahhh okay, yeah, I misinterpreted it as just this NK.

Agreed, but then again I don’t think there was any chance for the last wolf to save PKR yesterday because his slot was so heavily under focus that pretty much nothing would’ve convinced people to shift off his wagon. I’m not saying that Gorta’s activity around EoD is condemning enough for me to lock him in as a wolf, but what I am saying is that if he is a wolf, nothing he could’ve done would have saved PKR, and it also would’ve spewed him as scum if he’d tried to defend PKR. So he had no choice as either alignment imo.

If I have to be honest, I did do a bit of a deception tactic that I have 100% signaled to you.

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Yeah, agreed, there wasn’t anything any wolf could do to save PKR. And you are probably right that it would have looked worse if he suddenly went along with SRing PKR like everyone else.

But I guess what confuses me the most is that he put up such effort at the end despite all this. So like, if he really is the last wolf, I applaud him for at least trying this whole time.

Tbh whatever alignment Gorta is, I applaud him for his involvement in this game. Even as Hamster I recall he was putting in real effort to do things in the thread which is great.

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Haha, I may be a bit slow on noticing stuff. I’m actually still a bit confused by you. I know you did something with colors the other day if that’s what you are referring to. It had taken me a bit, but I eventually saw what that meant. :slight_smile:

I do want to see him interact in the thread today before making up my mind on his slot, though. He has a chance to defend himself, and I think if he’s town, he’ll be able to save himself, considering how much he’s actually been involved in this game.

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Yep, it also a deeper meaning. My entire plan was to lure the last wolf into not pressing the suicide button.


Ahhhhh, okay. Are you convinced they actually had the suicide convert still as an option last night?