Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!


there really isnā€™t much in Joy_Eeveeā€™s ISO that makes me townread them

Besides Gorta, EVO is probably the only other player that I had come in thinking could be the wolf. But then I saw ATNo make a comment that reminded me about how EVO came into D5 and pretty much went along right away with ATNo on the PKR wagon. By itself, that looks kind of bad. But when considering that it looked like Wind, Uni, and I would likely go after ATNo that day, it wouldnā€™t have made sense to do that so soon without seeing how weā€™d react first.

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read EVOā€™s ISO again

EVO goes from scum reading AT to voting with AT in no time (with no indication of a changed mind)

Right, and by itself that looks weird. But like I was saying, how is it helping him to switch like that? Why wouldnā€™t he wait to see what everyone else thinks of ATNo accusing PKR? ATNo was pretty much in the PoE for everyone.

Like, Iā€™m agreeing that EVOā€™s ISO kind of looks bad. Thatā€™s why I was saying he was basically the only other person Iā€™d be considering today. But Iā€™m getting the impression that it is a combination of just his personality and what ATNo was saying about him being town that people are ignoring.

EVO to me

I honestly donā€™t like EVOā€™s reasoning on suspecting me. Itā€™s very opportunist at best. They basically go ā€œyup, I like this slotā€ to ā€œyou are towny for pushing your readsā€ to ā€œAWWWWWOOOOO this is a wolfā€ and then votes me after AT does and wants me to convince them that someone else is scummier.

I donā€™t like this slot, but I may move my vote to whysper or cheese later.


EVO pushes AT as w/w with Appel, but somehow drops it the next day with very shallow reasoning. @Whysper I think EVO dropped the case on AT when they saw it wasnā€™t a popular thing and jumped right to PKR with little hesitation


[quote=ā€œEVO, post:3111, topic:86704, full:trueā€]

suddenly EVO is supportive of AT? Why? there is no buildup to this 180 and just jumps down PKRā€™s throat @ATNoName is this why you think I am more likely a wolf vs EVO? You are getting played my friend. EVO has set it up to vote cloned/whysper in place of Appel, called you w/w with appel, and then suddenly supported/agreed with you. Tomorrow EVO will likely call you scum and vote you out when I flip town. Donā€™t let it happen

I want to look at everything else, but I will offer no resistance if I get one more day and we lynch EVO

people are right to be hesitant though

I know about the suicide convert arguments

I think converts will be easier to find in F3

Hmm, Iā€™ll look again, but when EVO started going along with ATNo, it was still before things were starting to turn around Iā€™m pretty sure. So again, I really donā€™t think a wolf is going to start doing that without letting others react first.

Iā€™ll continue looking again at EVO. Iā€™ve been trying to balance my own general impression of him as wolfy like I described the other day. Iā€™m just noticing that others take it as just his personality, which could be. He does jump around a lot with his accusations and makes cryptic comments sometimes.

was it now? I would be curious to see about that

I think it is MYLO, so we canā€™t get the cuddle wrong. I think the only other option is no cuddle for today and see who gets NKā€™d. Usually thatā€™s the better option for MYLO, but the problem here is that there could still be a suicide convert. So I think we almost have to do the cuddle today.

I donā€™t remember seeing EVO comment on AT during our discussion

no, I think we have another day 1 wolf vs 3 town tomorrow if we get it wrong today

Oh, not saying he commented. I was saying that the whole going along with ATNo on the PKR wagon happened before people were even starting to think ATNo might actually be town.

2 out of 3 wolves are dead

Oh hmm, I thought they were saying earlier that this is MYLO. Maybe I read that wrong.