Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

Yes, fair enough. And that’s how we are operating. But just discussing stuff, what are you thinking are the likelihoods for jumps and converts? You mentioned that you can generally pick up on shifts. If you had to bet, did Popcorn jump? And then were one of the NKs a suicide convert?

I don’t have enough about popcorn to say at this point if that was a jump, I think PKR talked about it being possible sulit wasn’t a suicide convert (which makes me think otherwise), min is someone I’m not so sure about, and I don’t think Uni was scum based on PKR’s flip

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if there was a jump it was definitely in one of the low posters with no established style

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What about the Cloned NK?

I forgot about that one

Yeah, I got the impression you were thinking that was a suicide convert

BTW, I need to leave in about 10 minutes or so

I was, that was one of the slots I thought was a suicide convert. I was less sure of that one later though, so I really don’t have a clue

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I should try to get at least 1 hour of sleep later

Haha, yeah, definitely. Hope you take naps also. :slight_smile:

So anyway, at this point I’m confident in both Wind and ATNo being town. I’ll be interested in hearing what Wind has to say later. But ATNo seems pretty firm in his opinion now.

but I should be here for about 10 minutes

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Okay. I’m not sure what to ask you more at the moment, but I’ll keep looking into things when I get a chance. Need to leave in a couple minutes.

I thought I maybe saw Wind typing.

I’ll be checking the thread on my phone some, but not sure I’ll be able to reply much.

Take care, Gorta :slight_smile: Sleep well :slight_smile:

see ya around

So has Whysper been consistent or inconsistent, Gorta? Just trying to figure out where your thoughts are on this. I just finished backreading.

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I’m going to hate looking at Whysper, Whysper’s play reminds me of Leafia and reading Leafia is a chore

a mix of both in my opinion, but the second thing is my reply to AT

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