Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

Someone told me it was anti town. Therefore I stopped doing it. Do not cut out the full story

oops, i didnt type my vote
here we go, perhaps theyre yote.

/vote Joy_Popcorn

was not my intention
just didnā€™t recall that happening :stuck_out_tongue:

current list of players that have shown non-normal behaviors:

a good third of the game i guess
>= 1 scum in here

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Did you not iso me?

no not rly

Aw you guys got the cool one.

Anyway, sorry Iā€™m late to the thread

Itā€™s okay hello


welcome, joy_tongue! donā€™t mind me
spouting lines of poetry : P

Anything notable happen?

what the absolute fuck is this

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The most ugly Joy Account 2021.


Iā€™m jelly of Alarm, thatā€™s a sick Joy.

As long as itā€™s good I donā€™t mind.

Iā€™m being wagoned unfortunately.

Whatā€™s the main reasoning?

Honestly, Eggplants PFP looks wolfy, but that isnā€™t alignment indicative I just donā€™t trust it, it looks shady.


People believe that sod I sounded weird because I was trying out different ways to type differently. Someone said to me that it was anti town therefore I stopped doing it so I wouldnā€™t be talking up a storm that is hard to understand. People took that as me being self aware and performative.

I encourage you to read thread and my iso to make your own opinions though