Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!


still observing the thread since this is most likely a suicide/convert scenario.

Taking a look at Windā€™s POV, converting EVO looks risky and I donā€™t know if W!Wind would do that, so that leaves me with me (def not me) or Whysper.

Haha, sorry, my mind is a rollercoaster sometimes. :slight_smile:

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You really believe Wind was a suicide?

Huh, really? Iā€™m pretty sure I was still saying that Gorta had to be voted before you. I was just telling him that you were my only other option at the time. Iā€™ll go back over my posts and check.

Discussion with Gorta about EVO.


Then where I still concluded that I thought Gorta should still be voted first.

Iā€™m still curious what you are basing this certainty on. Is it just that we have clearly identified a jump or convert already?

*havenā€™t clearly

Just POE. Youā€™re never a starting wolf here based on Appel and EVO is never starting wolf based on his ISO in general. Wind is consistently solvey, but thereā€™s not much clearing him.


I definitely agree that W!Wind wouldnā€™t convert EVO. It would have to be you if Wind was wolf. But it would be weird for you to press this. And I think it is entirely possible that Wind was town as weā€™ve read them all along.

What do you consider hardclearing in this game? Because the solving Wind did seems quite substantial. Plus Wind was with Uni and CRich on the initial Appel wagon.

basically either anything insane and never comes from a wolf or spews.

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I would think that initial Appel wagon wouldnā€™t have gotten enough momentum without Windā€™s support. And it seems unnecessary to bus Appel at that point. I would think if they wanted to plan a bus, it would have been PKR.

And you say that EVO and I are never starting wolf. Whatā€™s hardclearing for us thatā€™s not hardclearing for Wind?

Have they? I either forgot or missed how the Appel wagon got started altho I am seeing it again and Wind did TL Appel.

EVO would never dunked on PKR this early as well Appel never pushed you (Whysper) after someone goes ā€œWhysper looks susā€.

Wind was 2nd vote. CRich 1st. Iā€™ll review how it built up though.

Okay, the Appel wagon was mainly started because of Uni. Windā€™s input did help in building it up. Min did put a vote there too (actually the 1st I think), but thatā€™s kind of just Min jumping around like they often do. They would have easily moved to another wagon (as they did to the CRich one) if the talk over Appel was allowed to kind of die away. So it still feels like the Appel wagon wouldnā€™t have gained enough momentum without Wind since Wind was considered possibly the most towny.

This was done near EoD, but it was a shift from Min to Appel. Wind technically hopped on the wagon last (Uni probably forgot to vote) which was the start of the CFD from Appel to CRich.

Yes, but if you look at the conversation, it starts with Uni talking about Appel leaving the vote on them. Then Wind starting to agree it was weird. Then mentioning other stuff like how Appel compared Gorta to the Pokemon 9er game and such. So yeah, the others were quick to jump at voting and Wind and Uni kind of waited before placing theirs. But the conversation itself about Appel was mostly generated by Uni and Wind. And actually while they ended up pinpointing a wolf, I donā€™t know that the vote thing by Appel was really all that bad as Uni was saying. People leave votes on others and donā€™t get back for awhile.