Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

Also you are a conundrum

Alarm does not spark joy

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But I am a joy alarm :frowning: :rotating_light:

Joy :wolf: mebbe

@Joy_Cloud stahp lurkin and come converse

What does this mean joylock

Iā€™m calling you a wolf

Mebbe = maybe

whatā€™s good

@Joy_Alarm what do you say to this?

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I think itā€™s valid that you can think Iā€™m a wolf because you think I was too defensive

I believe I wasnā€™t, and I was simply defending myself from being pushed. I donā€™t know how I really seemed awkward tho?

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Cool thanks

It felt like truly pressured rather than the usual reaction to a d1 push which is why it stood out as unusual.

I have the best flavor

Who wouldnā€™t want to be popcorn

i like joy_coin, i think theyre town-
so far, so good, and i wont frown.
but i dont see why baseballā€™s scum
for entering with a rap to hum.

alarm is true to their name,
enthusiasm is their game:
alert and willing to possibly stump
the evil joys, the things who jump!

shirt and eggplant, not the type
to plunge into the poem hype;
but thats okay, for now theyre fine
as long as they dont step out of line.

i do declare, ill hardly stop
my poetry if its a top
sign to read as being me
and not a jump, easy to see.

alarm is right, if this persists
for more of us, i might resist
but if a poet tries to jump
then i might quit my rhyming dump.

read me as you will, i say
point at me and have your way
i simply enjoy writing verse
its fun for me, for better or for worse.

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(welcome popcorn, cloud and lock,
glad to see youre here to talk!)

I want to policy you

vote me then, if you dare
i wont object, its perfectly fair

Thankfully for you Iā€™d rather hit scum
A policy yeeter Iā€™d rather not become

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that means we are on the same page-
in hunting scum we shall engage!

Iā€™ve already found one to my surprise
A howling wolf lets loose itā€™s cries

Alarm might sound as if they vibe
But I guarantee they struggle to survive

So let us cuff this sleazy clock
And the town shall put this game on lock.

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you think alarm is quite alarming?
i found their posts to be disarming,
but ill have a look again at them
and find from whence your accusations stem.