Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

I found you town as alarm too, this shouldn’t be a huge surprise

Yes, I would say this is typical of Min.

Vote is still on min

Going to sleep for real

Good night everyone

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Could you take a look at the Joy_Eevee slot? I think you said you didn’t want to look at that one nor the France one, but I seriously think this was the jump destination. I’d like more opinions before I discuss more of why.

Okay good night for now :slight_smile:

I’m out at the moment but I’ll continue looking through your read list when I get the chance.

Yeah this is just Min being Min so take it as NAI if you want
It’s definitely not a scumtell

Also I’m like half asleep so I gotta come back later and read Cloned’s wallpost when I’m more awake lol

At some point I really thought it might be you, but then I rethought it and wasn’t sure lol

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Here’s the thing about Min. When they’re town, they are very obvious and I get those vibes from min this game.
Cheese pushing min on something that’s imo AI is odd, though I don’t think it’s rand W.
If they had scum partners, why wouldn’t they say to them in scum chat “Hey they’re obvious town, just copy everyone else”?

Don’t feel bad about it cause I did the exact same thing lmao

On the bright side it forces us to practice reading people off anything that isn’t mech.

That’s a fair point. I was townleaning on Cloned anyway at this point, but consensus townreading Min once Min’s identity was revealed seems less likely to draw attention than going against that.
Then again, it’s not like individual wolves can’t form their own opinions on who they want to push, so I wouldn’t necessarily clear people for just being anticonsensus, either.

The reason I said for Cloned to take it as NAI from Min is just because I know Min does it, but I’m not entirely sure they wouldn’t do it as scum. I think in this game, though, from everything I’ve seen, Min is just town (and I never scumread them for trying to type in quirks, either).

That’s something I can get behind.

btw mafia should desperado convert me tonight so i win too :^)

Me getting converted to the mafia tonight (circa 2021, colorized)

I’m afraid I’ll have to yeet you if they do :triumph:

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oh heck, mine are too

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also prove it
:triumph: i’ve ascended to new levels of wolfdom

btw i knew france was town the instant i figured out it was windward
i legit thought pkr was mafia but now knowing it’s pkr i know he’s town
so uh

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