Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

Hi Appel. When you do get a chance, could you explain why Pig’s posts don’t really look or sound like you? Was this intentional?

I feel like this is just a description of me in FM lmao

Well then get auto-scumleaned

god it feels weird for me to be the one to say that

:frowning: Cloned doesn’t like me in FM. Sad.
But honestly if players could confirm I am actually just like that it’d be great.
Because I think that’s how I am almost all the time.

But I could be very wrong

@PokemonKidRyan could you explain this read

Yup. It’s my first time alting on this site, so I tried to conceal my identity just for the heck of it~ haha. I assume I did a good job, then.

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I know Min’s style and semi-knew it was them but I couldn’t say it.
So that was part of the reasoning but of course I couldn’t say it.

Min admitted to me in a different game that they’re a memer (when I said I didn’t really like memes in game) so I carried the thoughts to this one.
They felt comfortable to give their ideas in thread and was encouraging a positive change for the game.

I know that it in itself isn’t necessarily towny but I guess you could call it gut. Idk.

They also weren’t afraid of committal which I feel like a wolf might be especially with being the highest poster by quite some distance. It would’ve made them so easy to scumread and yet I think that they didn’t care about that. W!Min would’ve been more cautious I guess

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Hard for me to say on PKR. I did have the Moon slot as a scum lean. Knowing that it’s PKR and then seeing his posts today have made me move him to null. But I’m still suspicious. Yes, as PKR says about himself, he can sort of be that way anyway as either alignment. So I think we need to look for something more. I don’t blame Cloned for being wary of him, but I’m hoping we can focus on other things more, like finding the jumper.

Yeah, I kind of figured you might have been going for something completely different. I actually considered doing the same, but then felt lazy and only went for avoiding smilies. :slight_smile:

I was only a bit concerned because I was looking for the jumper. But I don’t think Popcorn looks like you, and I didn’t discern a noticeable change in Pig D2.

Meta + gut in an alt game
Hope you understand me for thinking this is weird

But Min literally has told me before that they’re memey when I complained to them.

@min please confirm/deny this.

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Memey != town

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My point is, I ended up meta’ing Min a bit because I recognised them.
And I’m explaining how I recognised them.

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This is exactly what I figured about PKR’s read of Min. It was based on Min’s meta, but that couldn’t be mentioned while we were still anon. I had a similar read on Alarm because I knew it was Min and tried to explain in a general way.

You explained it better than I could.
I had to try so hard not just to say “I know because it’s Min”
Same goes for some others like Marl (After I realised he wasn’t he who mustn’t be named)


Oh my

I was enjoying posting without social repercussions

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Guess I’ll have to play nice again.

Cloned is here so that is a reliable first vote



Hella disagree, I mind-melded with coin, so the rest of the stuff built off this foundation is shaky imo

I’ll have to update my list ig, I’ll need my laptop for that. Also…

I mindmelded with sulit???