Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

So AtNo, what’s your read list now you’re here?
I did town read your slot before you subbed in, though I’d like to see where your head is at.

everyone null

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Alright so out of everyone who you null read, do any one them stand out to you?

I mean you expected a readlist after I said I subbed in without analyzing the thread (I did read, but that was just more for entertainment).

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Popcorn and Coin died flipless. Coin is now known to be Sulit.
Tongue, Heart, Shirt and Cloud all flipped town during the day.

I have 0 awareness as to what happen when you were all alting (and I’m not gonna bother because reading while memorizing who was what is annoying), but what made you think of that?

Time to play FM at 1 AM
Hi ATNo! Nice to have you here.

So you believe Sulit was a mafia member who suicided? Who do you think the convert is?
There’s actually an arguably important question of "did the conversion come into effect before or after Sulit’s death, but that might be just something we can ask the mods?

Btw can anyone tell me why Whysper has been talking about popcorn jumping for like 50% of her post?

i asked this and sulit would’ve been a conversion


I might just be too tired for this right now

My current reads are somewhat like this

~Town: Marl, Cloned, PKR, CRich, Wind
~Null: Literally everyone else, that’s all you get

Oh yeah Whysper does think that Mafia jumped or should I say converted someone last night.
EVO’s response to that is :eyes: .
If EVO is indeed mafia, then Whysper is not w/w with EVO.

Popcorn died before the everyone got revealed so jump is the only option.

Alright.iso time

I think Whysper’s approach to this change in situation is very methodical, to the point where it’s almost too methodical. They’ve only been focusing on a single thing, that being Popcorn’s death, and I’d like to pressure her slot more when possible to get her out of that focus zone since I feel like nothing they’ve done has been out of the general wolfrange

“When possible” would be “when I’m less tired” but that would probably require me to go to sleep at some point

You don’t think Popcorn could’ve been town?

that was a reply to CRich about the jump or suicide/convert

@Whysper i haven’t played with you in a bit, how do you know how I play so well. Am I… that different? :joy_cat:

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Yes. You don’t think there’s the possibility of Popcorn having been town?

Quick question. Have you read the OP?

Popcorn could easily be town. I haven’t bother reading their ISO.

I did.