Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

I know I made the same conclusion, but still the delivery of that post is just weird

ā€¦no it isnā€™t

Itā€™s delivered like a normal post

please tell me how the delivery is weird

my delivery

minā€™s delivery

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that bolded seems like agenda/trying to get towncred

please speak to me guys, I donā€™t want to be tunneling here

Explain how this is weird

I was saying I was annoyed at the possibility of going off of a wagon with scum

this in no world = tmi

From my point of view itā€™s like this, you are saying this to make yourself look better in the event that popcorn was a wolf. ā€œIā€™m angry, please give me towncred for wagoning a wolfā€ would be a great play for you if you were popcorn

I honestly donā€™t know if I am tunneling at this point, so can others please chime in

Gorta/Min is probably not W/W here.
I think whoever pushed min (Cheese and Gorta in particular) can be cleared as starting town if min flips W.

give me your takes on min instead of sitting on the side lines

Iā€™m asking for input on the issue outside of minā€™s input not side liners

Minā€™s defence to being accused of jumping Alarm from popcorn isnā€™t a good defence imo.
Though I might be conf biasing myself into dismissing any defence from them here.

I prefer EVO to be yeeted, yet flipping min isnā€™t a bad idea here.
They flip W, we can clear quite a few slots as not starting mafia.

Either EVO or Universal, though I can see Uni wagon being a repeat of Heart wagon.

I wasnā€™t popcorn. I canā€™t be popcorn.

if I went from popcorn ā€”> alarm. you wouldnā€™t be seeing my account

on d1 as alarm, you can see that I acted like me, myself

regardless of how I acted on d2, if I was jumped, I wouldnā€™t be here. Can you understand what Iā€™m saying?

I donā€™t get what people arenā€™t getting

read alarms d1. that was my d1.

Iā€™m going to sleep