Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

me dying*

Might as well start making a legacy post for when I die

think debating whether min is a jump or alarm all along is a fruitless exercise
since I doubt any of us are actually that good at reading peopleā€™s speech patterns

Why are we focusing on whether or not Min jumped, anyway? Doesnā€™t it make more sense to focus on whether theyā€™re currently scummy?
If they seem scummy today, we vote them out. if they donā€™t seem scummy, we donā€™t. If they didnā€™t jump, thereā€™s always a chance they couldā€™ve been an OG wolf or gotten converted last night instead, but Iā€™m of the stance that Min is town as Iā€™ve expressed since D1.

I donā€™t find anything that min has done to be agenda-y, regardless of how willagey their posts might look. everyone else has been reading them off whether or not theyā€™ve said scummy things, or whether theyā€™ve jumped, but I just donā€™t see Min doing scum!Min things. I never saw it in the Alarm slot and Iā€™m not seeing it today, either.


There is the whole ā€œwhat if Popcorn jumpedā€ theory.

Iā€™m not feeling so well tonight, so I donā€™t know how much longer Iā€™ll be up. But I see people discussing the jump now and suspecting it is Min? I donā€™t really see that, but Iā€™ll read up on why people think that.

Hmmm, Iā€™ll admit this is something interesting. But the rest of Popcorn doesnā€™t really seem like Min at all.

Oh, BTW, whatā€™s your currently stance on the likelihood that Popcorn jumped?

Itā€™s literally a coincidence

Do people not get it

If I was alarm d1 and clearly acted like it, it doesnā€™t matter if I said hihi

because if popcorn jumped me I wouldnā€™t be here and someone would be in my slot

very low

Biggest problem is your D2 compared to Popcornā€™s D1. It really doesnā€™t matter what happens today since the nature of the game has change, but that isnā€™t the point. The most concerning part is your reaction to this since only person voting you was Cloned.

It doesnā€™t matter

So you are saying that looking back, you would read Popcorn as being towny? And if so, towny enough that he would have been the night kill despite being the counter wagon D1 and possibly up for vote D2?

For someone who knows how I respond youā€™re still saying Iā€™m reacting bad :wowee:

and Iā€™m not even responding to anyoneā€™s vote. Iā€™m responding to the fact Iā€™m literally speaking to a wall

if you read alarms iso on d1


no matter how I acted on d2, if you could tell Iā€™m alarm d1, and alarm is still alive, and I was in alarms slot

I CANT BE JUMPED! There is no physical way I can be jumped

letā€™s ignore that for now

could you explain these posts
just like your thought processes at that time

mainly the ā€œhelp with pressureā€ part

if there are anything to add to this that was not in the post

your reasoning for pushing grape

Someone said they were pressuring someone

So I helped do that, I was literally planning on unvoting whenever everyone else was :wowee:

ā€¦clearly not? tongue is dead

That wasnā€™t a push

It was me saying he was inactive and I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he was scum, because I still believe scum most likely is 100% with the state of thread rn

100% okay*


Iā€™m not gonna if people are going to use it as an argument when itā€™s completely invalid

So far we donā€™t have anyone who look like they have been able to replicate Popcorn so far and I havenā€™t care enough about reading D1 since it was a poem-fest.

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you voted him/her

voting ā‰  pushing

I unvoted not 2 far after