Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

If higher posters tend to lead town why is nobody listening to me

because i dont agree with this

I think Min also gets pretty defensive even as town.

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Iā€™d have to do something other than skimming to answer that thoroughly. Right now Iā€™m ISOing Gorta

I can see that you wanted to provoke Min, but that doesnā€™t fully answer my question. Whatā€™s your current read on them?

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that was very general and like you, (no offense) there are exceptions

Null-Scumlean atm.


sadly true

Okay, I should probably make this more clear
Iā€™m looking for longer answers
I want to see your thought process

Why did you choose to provoke Min about something you didnā€™t believe in? What do you believe you can get out of it?

It was more trying to explore the thought process behind Whysper and her focus on popcorn jumping because I was thinking that if she is scum, then this is more likely to be TMI (still thinking Whysper should be the yeet today). When Cloned started looking at speech pattern, I did wanted to see Minā€™s reaction and if the possibility look real, then we have already caught 2 scum.

you said that when we were scum together last game and it was an obvious bs case

would whysper push on min if they were w/w?

Iā€™m not saying Appel is scum without looking further, but the ā€œGorta as in Pokemon 9erā€ thing is bs from my PoV

I have no idea on that.

but Iā€™m starting to get paranoid about the lack of a CW again

werenā€™t they w/w in Countries FM? might be worth rereading that game.

unless this was planned because of the Joy_Cloud wagon the previous day making people obviously nervous

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we donā€™t even have a wagon at this point, do we? all I saw were single votes on people last VC.

tell ya what, @min can you generate content that isnā€™t defending yourself? I know we pushed you so much today, but I donā€™t know at this point

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