Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

Literally responding from here.
And taking into account what both you and Cloned said.
Since I can sorta see it both ways.

This is a lot better than


It seems everyone here is opposed to brainstorming


over half the poems are mine lol

if you meant in response to this, yes, Alarmā€™s been suspect since D1 for most people. I couldnā€™t really say when we were anonymous that I thought it was Min and therefore thought they were in their town meta, but Iā€™ll say it now :sweat_smile:

Given your earlier posts, I donā€™t think itā€™s unreasonable to presume you were theorizing a world where heā€™s scum~

I mean one of the main discussion points that we couldā€™ve had wouldā€™ve been focused on the nightkills:

Thinking if there was a jump N1. Or whether the N2 kill was scum saccing to convert.
This was discussed very lightly at certain points with certain people, but I felt that the topic was somewhat jumped from and Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s any malicious intent behind it.

I think itā€™s somewhat important to consider as we move on still if youā€™re wanting people to be able to brainstorm other things too.

I couldā€™ve just missed everyone talking about it potentially. As I said I do have posts to go to.
But I think considering the above actually might help us also consider teams based on what couldā€™ve been thought by them if theyā€™ve interacted a fair amount before (and have done scum together) and itā€™d help to further eliminate possible worlds?

Thatā€™s exactly what I was doing, but that is different from scumreading someone.

sorry i was busy watching techno
whatā€™s up

Not too much. Things just feel a bit stagnated and Iā€™m lost as for how to bring life back to things

Give us a poe?

(A personal one I mean

I think itā€™s more likely agenda driven and comes from scum you based on past games

is that so?

anyway, let me do some read stuff

looking for jumps might be wasted effort at this point

It 100% is

We should honestly start reading based off of the reveal, if Iā€™m behind honest

After the reveal

Sureā€¦ I mean, Iā€™m honestly not too certain but:

  1. Iā€™d not have Whys in my PoE because I felt like we were vibing off each other and I got where they were coming from, they got where I was coming from. It just worked well. Vibes/Gut/Discussion = Town
  2. I donā€™t think Iā€™d have Wind in my PoE. The way theyā€™ve been acting has been consistently positive and encouraging as I said before and while I know that itā€™s not necessarily AI, I just think they handled it in a way that they do as town.
  3. I think at least one if not both of Gorta and Cloned are clear for their interactions during this game. Their lack of caring about jumps and denying that it happened could be seen as a front which scum may put on to change topic? But, I feel like this is just Town!Them who wants things to move on.
  4. CRich and you both vibe somewhat towny (I need to actually go into your ISOs more rather than just vibe off them. But like, I thought Alarm was town and you were alarm so unless I come to the conclusion youā€™re a jump, then youā€™ve been a consistent read of mine)

So I guess itā€™d be:
EVO (Less sure on this one. Think it could be town. I need to go off gut and gut says town but ughh)
Marl slot (I thought Marl was town due to how we vibed but idk since replacement tbh)
Cloned/Gorta (Only 1 of them at most)

I think this is everyone mentioned?

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you forgot yourself

wind be doing that wallpost 2.0