Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

Let me think of what to do. Hhh


I feel bad since Universal has no content


Literally everyone has. eh content and itā€™s disheartening

Made notes as I backread.

I know I said Iā€™d focus on interactions, but I ended up doing a bit of both. I didnā€™t ISO and just read the thread as it was (andā€¦ didnā€™t get very far yet tbh). I have some comments on individual slots and some comments on interactions as a result, but itā€™s all from D1 so far. Iā€™m gonna try to skim faster and skip less important posts, but there were very few points where there was enough activity from multiple slots to possibly glean information off, except at EoD.

D1, part 1

hereā€™s the first mention in the thread that wolves could fake a jump, and it comes from Pig (Appelsiiniā€™s slot). Iā€™m taking it as NAI as probably either alignment couldā€™ve suggested this.

this is all the original slotholder for Grapes said before vanishing for a while. Iā€™m assuming the comment was sarcastic, but the fact that it was their opener before treeing isā€¦ not great.

Hereā€™s the first set of substantial posts by Coin (Sulitā€™s slot). Coin found Eggplant scummy within a total of 3 opening posts and also said Pig seemed scummy, but didnā€™t elaborate right away. Alarm (Min) entered the thread and offered to help with putting pressure on Eggplant (Clonedā€™s slot).
(Btw this is to clarify the context of the pressure vote that was being discussed earlier on the topic of whether or not Minā€™s slot is wolfy).
Cloud (unidentified town slot) immediately entered and called Alarm suspicious, voted Alarm, and said that offering to help with pressure defeats the purpose of a pressure vote.

I do understand why publicly announcing a pressure vote defeats the purpose, as I recently got told off in another game for doing the same thing, but at the same time I understand why Alarm didnā€™t realize why it defeated the purpose of a pressure vote because Iā€™ve made the same mistake (and Min only started playing FM one game before I did iirc).

Coin has been very forthright thus far, and while I donā€™t think thatā€™s a bad thing, they did come off as a bit aggressive in the thread now that Iā€™m backreading. I do, however, want to say itā€™s similar to the sort of confidence that Lock (Marlā€™s/ATNā€™s slot) exuded later on in the game, in that both of them ask the town to sheep them for a win. I think itā€™s almost too gutsy of a move to make as a wolf so early in the game here, but what I do find worrisome is how Coin pushes on Eggplant based off a grand total of three posts, unless itā€™s an RT.

In the interaction here, it looks to me like Coin is prompting Cloud to clarify their read on Alarm. Alarm steps in and offers to both give reads and stop posting in quirks if itā€™s becoming problematic, then takes their pressure vote off Eggplant. But then Alarm is immediately scumread by Cloud for offering to type normally. They clarify that theyā€™re offering this in order to be helpful to town, which I think is a plausible reason, and then they begin giving their early reads backed with reasons that I can follow the thought process on.

It doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re necessarily good reasons, but theyā€™re reasons that I can at least see existing, that I donā€™t think are completely fabricated (France is my slot.)

The thing in particular about a wolf hiding behind walls of poetry is a legitimate fear I see several others mention later on, as well, so Iā€™d say itā€™s NAI as there are more mentions of it being a potential scumtell or way for scum to hide than there are wolves in this game lol.

This particular post by Cloud is where I think they started looking suspicious to me; they read Alarmā€™s defensive response as not being too bad, but then jumped on Eggplant.

This is Marlā€™s slot and undoubtedly remained Marlā€™s slot lol.
I found the immediate SR on Alarm a bit unusual, but that kind of ego entrance from him is actually very telling now that Iā€™m backreading it and I could definitely see it coming from town!Marl. If heā€™s stepped up his wolf game then maybe it has some wolf equity, but I feel pretty confident in saying that this post plus his general progression in the slot is extremely town-indicative. Iā€™m now going to focus less on reading Lock in particular but rather the interactions with them instead.

(on a side note, this post read very strongly as being Minā€™s slot imo)

When Popcorn (unknown alignment, night kill) enters, they just post once and then dip for a while, similarly to Grapes. They donā€™t interact with anyone here (although maybe it was during one of those points where nobody was in the thread; I didnā€™t really check the time stamps).

Hamster (Gortaā€™s slot) enters and immediately gives a read on the poetry at the beginning of the thread. While I beg to differ (because Iā€™m one of the slots lol), I donā€™t actually think this reasoning is so bad. I can say on my part that it was unplanned, which may or may not be evident from the fact that I didnā€™t immediately start by posting in poems until I realized I could have made my post rhyme, and with a positive response from Baseball I continued poetry posting.

Iā€™m going to honestly say I donā€™t remember Gorta coming into a thread and immediately giving a take with an at least somewhat believable reason behind it, but I applaud him for the effort heā€™s been making here. Iā€™m not going to be dumb and immediately activity read him for it because I think thatā€™s unfair.

(Sorry I was trying to avoid quoting poetry lol)
This is the first post Iā€™d say has actual substance from Moon (PKRā€™s slot), and itā€™s a readlist. Most of the reads come across as just being null at that point, other than on Eggplant and Coin. They mention in the tl;dr at the end that Cloud, Eggplant and Coin look bad, but in the readlist Cloud seems to be somewhere in between due to having both wolfy and towny posts, according to Moon. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a nullscum read but Iā€™m not entirely sure if I follow it.

In terms of PKRā€™s overall interactions, I donā€™t think I noted too much about them but he vibed with me a couple times with some poetry, especially early on in the game when Baseball was also active, which felt decently natural to me. He replied pretty quickly as I recall and didnā€™t spend forever writing responses, so the real-time interaction looked good.

I donā€™t know if this is worth noting but Stop really didnā€™t want to read any of my posts. Iā€™m sure it was the poetry that turned them off (hence why I offered several times to give it up, but was also sort of worried you guys would think I was jumped if I suddenly quit) but I tried to encourage Stop to make an effort to read anyway. Lock stepped in to back me in encouraging Stop to read the game (I think) but Stop just kind of gave up lol. I donā€™t think it was particularly AI; they were just tired of reading poems. I didnā€™t find that anything felt off in the interactions here, though, and Lock said almost immediately after that they thought Stop was town.

Here is the second time Grapes posts in the thread, and they fake being a newbie (or at least I think thatā€™s what it was), which sparked a debate over it that somehow accidentally got mistranslated onto Eggplant later because of confusion about which one was which. Lock plops a townlean on them, though, and then Grapes places a vote on Alarm.

Pig jumps pretty quickly on Grapes here, despite that Lock points out faking being a newbie shouldnā€™t be taken as AI even if itā€™s an obvious lie. I remember not being a fan of this reaction from them, but also understanding how it could be interpreted either way, and I donā€™t think Pig looked too scummy for thinking this was the case.

Again, although I speak for myself when I say that wasnā€™t my motivation to post poetry, I do see this as a valid point (and Iā€™m pretty sure I said more than once that poetry should just be taken as NAI since it can come from either alignment).

Thatā€™s as far as I got before I got tired of reading the thread so thoroughly and commenting lol. After that, I compressed things more:

D1, part 2

Hereā€™s where Popcorn pops into the thread again (pun intended) with what either looks like a fishy readlist with way too solid reads, way too early in the game, or an RT.

The interaction immediately after this backs that thereā€™s suspicion or at least some form of disbelief concerning Popcornā€™s readlist.

Cloned comes into the thread again and gives this long post with reasoning on why typing with some form of identifier might be scummier rather than towny. Itā€™s one of the posts that I believe is most likely to come from town, because although a wolf could push the same angle in the hopes of getting town executed for it, I also think itā€™s likely theyā€™d accidentally incriminate some of their own wolf partners in that statement. At the very least, Iā€™m pretty sure it means that Cloned canā€™t be a wolf with anyone who was using typing quirks or writing poetry, and although I thought he seemed scummy D1, his D2 posts kind of convinced me his slot was town. In backreading a lot of his posts, in fact, they look less wolfy than I initially thought (like some of the lists he made).

a VC from D1

The vote count here very clearly reflects that Alarm was the top wagon at this point. This is what I meant when I said that it feels like Minā€™s been scumread for 3 days already.

As Alarm is continuously pushed, Tongue joins the thread and gives their takes. It ends up being Tongue + Alarm vs. Eggplant, which I initially thought while reading that there was likely a wolf among them and most likely Eggplant, but sometime on D2 I had serious doubts about it as I mentioned above.

(on another side note, this post also highly resembles Minā€™s usual typing)

The interaction between Shirt, Eggplant, Tongue, Alarm, Pig and Coin that ensues is interesting. Thereā€™s a lot of back and forth on what could or couldnā€™t be seen as a scumslip, whether certain posts are scummy or not, and whether calling them scummy is actually useful or not. The discussion just devolves into a weird argument and thenā€¦ dies. I hate to say that the way it unfolds makes me think there wasnā€™t even a wolf in it, because nobody did anything to intervene, but upon backreading this I donā€™t know why I didnā€™t consider it before as a possibility.

Iā€™m going to take a quick pause from backreading and ISO Popcorn here because I want to point out the inconsistency in their reads.

Popcorn ISO

This is where I went ā€œyikesā€. Notice that Popcornā€™s reads have suddenly shifted drastically to throw Lock and me into the PoE (I do realize I misread it at first thinking that Popcorn meant that Moon and I were lockwolf, but it was just that Lock was listed last lol).

They certainly did launch a discussion on their reads, but it was weird that they refused to answer questions and only asked for comments. It felt very superficial, and could have been an RT, but they just vanished from the thread without ever allowing questions to be asked or clarifying whether or not it really was an RT, which I didnā€™t like at all.

Popcorn comes back into the thread later to push Tongue for crumbling under pressure for being scumread, with a tonal shift that Pig points out as being a potential indicator that itā€™s an agenda push.

Also, Popcornā€™s slot reads 0% as Min, so unless Alarm was faking being Min and Min is really good at faking their typing style, I highly doubt Min was ever Popcorn.

Conclusion: I think Popcorn was being pretty dodgy and thereā€™s no way it was Min.

Last thing I think I have time for is looking at D1 EoD.

D1, part 3 (EoD)

Iā€™m going to save time by not quoting too much here as I keep screwing up the formatting and having to fix it, weh.

By the time EoD came around, the top wagons were tied, with 3 votes on Alarm and 3 votes on Tongue. After being prodded for inactivity, Heart (unidentified town slot) returned to the thread, expressed being content with their vote on Cloud, then decided to break the tie and vote Alarm instead.

Because of the sudden change in vote, I questioned Heart (maybe not very effectively, now that I think about it) and they basically said maybe Alarm was scum without giving any reasoning. The wagons then started moving a lot, with a good number of people popping in, changing to vote out Popcorn, and then I decided to vote Heart because I legitimately thought their vote on Alarm looked opportunistic. Someone did point out to me that it might not be a scummy vote, but Iā€™m stupid and didnā€™t listen, especially because Heart changed their vote to Popcorn after the latest votecount and said they were sheeping their (unspecified) townread.
Joy_Eevee (EVO), Alarm (Min), Coin (Sulit), Hamster (Gorta), and Stop (CRich) at least saw my reasoning, which was actually very unfortunate, and joined me in voting Heart. At this point I was pretty damn convinced that both Heart and Popcorn were scum, but someone else said that Heart would have an easier time jumping due to low activity and being able to hide themselves better, so I just stayed on the Heart wagon and encouraged people to yeet them. Heartā€™s kind of wolfy pop in as they were being mega-wagoned and then leaving again didnā€™t make them look any better, either.
Since I still townlean Min, I really donā€™t think they followed me in bad faith here. Iā€™m not so sure about EVO because I honestly havenā€™t given their slot a good look yet, but Iā€™d like to do that overnight.
Shirt thought I was scum, though, and yet they joined on the Heart wagon anyway which I thought was a bit odd as I had started it. We know now that Shirt was town, however, so maybe they just forgot I was the first to vote lol. They did mention mindmelding with me and that I started to look a bit better to them but idk, I think their read on Heart was kind of independent of mine anyway.

Heart said to look back at this when they flipped, so I looked back at it. Iā€™m still not entirely convinced itā€™s a scumslip because I think Cloned looked townier the day after, but oddly enough Iā€™m not really convinced of that anymore.
Both Cloned and Appel expressed that they thought Heart might be town from wagonomics, but Cloned wanted Cloud out and Appel wanted Popcorn out. We donā€™t know what Popcorn was, but we know Cloud was town nowā€¦ which actually doesnā€™t make Cloned look great, now that I think about it.
I want to read through D2 on Clonedā€™s slot to get a better feel for it and see if I have second thoughts. I feel like I went through D1 confbiasing myself into thinking he was scum, but having backread the whole of D1 he really didnā€™t look that bad up until EoD. Iā€™m questioning my reasoning, though, and I think I need to just reevaluate his slot once and for all.

Holy hell that was long and I donā€™t even know if it was worth it.
Hereā€™s the short version:

I went through the whole of D1 and concluded that Min has always been Alarm and was definitely never Popcorn.
I think Popcorn was probably actually scum and jumped somewhere.
Cloned wasnā€™t as scummy as I initially thought he was; itā€™s mostly his reads and votes that I disagreed with, but it could come from a willager as he was not really that bad on D1 except at EoD. I want to reevaluate him again, though.
I think Appel is still a decent townlean based on her D1.
I think Sulit was towny because of her confidence level, but I wouldnā€™t place a bet on it.
I think Marl/ATN is almost definitely town but Iā€™ll reevaluate again just in case.

I think I covered all my points? Idk Iā€™m exhausted now lol.



Fuck, I didnā€™t even pay much attention to the slots that have votes on them currently.

Quick thoughts:

  • I donā€™t want Min voted
  • Grapesā€™ slot on D1 did not look great, but Whysper is asleep
  • EVO hasnā€™t come across as tonally wolfy to me
  • Uni has basically ceased to exist

I hate all of these options tbh

oh yeah, I definitely suck at mountainous.

Whatā€™s a better option in your eyes?

holy shit

you think you do? O_O


If you were to initiate a CFD right now, who would it be to and why?
As I said before, Iā€™m looking for slots who are coasting in this thread and Uni is the one that sticks out here for that reason.

wonā€™t be available for EoD, have to go right now

please delete min please
they were extremely pockety + defensive as alarm
they havenā€™t really changed as min


speak of the devil

idk, I canā€™t fucking read anyone in this game
GTH it would be someone on the D1 wagon on Heart. I lead it and the others who were on it according to their revealed slots were:
EVO, Min, Sulit, Gorta, CRich

as I said Iā€™m not voting Min
Sulit is dead lol
one of the others I guess?

Hi cloned!

1 Like

oh hi Uni

I will say this: Appel stated they parked their vote on me before they voted another player, saying in a joking manner but they havenā€™t taken their vote off me throughout the day. Alongside this, CRich has also stated they were going to take their vote off me and onto another player and havenā€™t done it still.

I am more confused on why the two players who stated they would remove their votes from me havenā€™t done so if their reads on others were grounded compared to me.