Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

The thing is no one picked up on it. Usually asking just questions and not helping with solving the game can be a red-alarm that someone is trying to pick up a certain look about them. However, depending on how in-depth her questions can be or how well-informed she was about the thread despite her not being active can display that there was someone feeding her constant information. Which is why it would increase the chances of a powerwolf or an active wolf

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I did hesitate, mostly because I had little information and before I could vote the day ended

thatā€™s a fair point

This is most intriguing considering that you have 155 posts on this thread so far. Only topped by Whysper and Wind.

Her questions didnā€™t seem all that in depth. Basically she was just picking out things here and there and asking people to clarify. Or asking people to give more thoughts on stuff. I donā€™t really see anything pointing to the need for a power wolf to exist to help her with this.

I still had little information, I didnā€™t really read many ISOā€™s this game

Gortaā€™s a top poster?

I never said that her questions were or werenā€™t in-depth, I simply asked if someone can check how confident she was in the thread and how in-depth the questions she made were. You asked as to why and I explained why I thought this could help us

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Yes Gorta is a top poster but has had little influence from my point of view.

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(btw Iā€™m not activity reading Gorta at all; I was just kind of surprised by the post count because heā€™s very close to my post count for once.)

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Oh okay. From this I was thinking you were stating that she had noticable confidence and thus this made the likelihood of a power wolf high.

The only times gorta has voted, as far as I can see with the EoD votes which doesnā€™t cover Day 4 so feel free to correct me, is EoD 1 with him voting Joy_Heart

I need to leave for a bit but Iā€™ll be back in maybe half an hour to an hour

Oh no, I myself didnā€™t pay much attention to the thread at that point and can only remember a few things that occurred. Like Appel joining CRich to vote me, people telling me to come on to post more, things like that. I wasnā€™t that active at that stage

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I donā€™t remember why I didnā€™t vote the other days

I think one day I slept past the EoD

For once I do actually think Gortaā€™s been doing things in the thread, more than he usually does, which is good (and Iā€™d like him to keep that up). But I see what youā€™re saying that he hasnā€™t really influenced the thread, since heā€™s been cautious with his reads and his votes. On the other hand, I donā€™t know if Iā€™d say itā€™s specifically because he doesnā€™t see the need to influence the thread. I think his presence was a bit different in Umineko (and we were a w/w team so thatā€™s why I noticed) and less cautious with how he went about his reads, and thatā€™s kind of how he got caught there.

I gotta get back to studying but Iā€™ll pop in again in a while.

Iā€™m taking a break I think

Gorta has been cautious before, I have seen it as a mafia when and he was town. However, usually at this point he would have

  1. More posts and reads to try and cover every angle
  2. Take a more central position in the thread.

I have seen part of 1 but yet to still the rest of 1 and the entirety of 2. I just thought he would be more proactive or his reads would have more weight and substance than up to now.

Also I have a feeling Evo is town