Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

Like I try to put effort in and everyone goes “yeah, we already talked about that” and won’t even entertain my attempts to converse with people, so why should I put in effort in the future?

I suppose I could just not sleep so I don’t miss conversations

or have any kind of life

I tried to discuss PKR’s slot, but everyone shut me down

but go ahead and suspect me for just hammering when no one would try to listen to what I had to say when I wasn’t getting listened to

everyone clearly looks better than me, so it must be me

Just as I expect.

/vote Gorta

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couldn’t you tell I am being sarcastic?

I mean, I was gonna vote you anyway.

Unless you want to hear this:

If y’all don’t evaluate everything today y’all deserve to lose

we did, it called doing it at night.

no you didn’t

everyone has just said “yup, must be gorta” and moved on

I mean

Wind is obvious town
Whysper is spewed town by Appel
EVO dunked on PKR.

It can’t be anyone but you.

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then Whysper would have been the perfect convert

this is also shaky

Who suicided? It clearly can’t be Cloned or Uni as they are 100% town here.

No Wolf would follow in yeeting PKR when the consenus town hasn’t even made their decision.

could still be you

Why would I dunk on a wolf going UTR?

to look good because I look terrible and am easy to push out