Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

actually how is any of this opportunistic?

he changes his read of me on a dime

Wow almost like he sometime did a 180 and realized you were scum. Should I tell you I had you as scum for like the entirety of the game.

Also, I should tell you that everyone was following the ā€œpush one slot that a timeā€, so it makes even more sense.

heā€™s asking others to look at me and doesnā€™t say much about my slot here, common bait

and then gaslights me into hammering early and then pops in today with a vote after you push me (and vote me)

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and he still hasnā€™t made a scum case on me (same with you actually)

he has you so deep in his pocket doesnā€™t he

wow almost like we were pushing one slot at a time

I even wanted to hammer, legit it was your fault for spending 40 hours on shading my slot.

shading your slot? No, I was trying to solve your slot

you were my top scum read yesterday, which was why I was so focused on you

Just I had I have your entire ISO to present and you didnā€™t nothing but attempt to push me and find theortical scumbuddy which got debunked within 5 minutes. If you think, it take 40 fucking hours to solve a slot, then you are moving way too slow for a game.

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ok, why donā€™t you go scum case me then

If I was never towny to begin with surely you can make a scum case against me (post by post)

my alt was @Joy_Hamster

itā€™s time for you to put up or shut up

Alright then, I hereby accuse you for attempt powerwolfing.

You attempted to push Min, Me and then EVO by killing people and attempting pin the nightkill on whoever you are pushing. You killed Min and Cloned so you are say that they ā€œsuicidedā€ so you could fit your narrative of pushing whoever you wanted.

no fuck you, theres something called macro reading.

Iā€™m not gonna bother the atrocity that was D1 and D2. They are irrelevant now.

I expect you to case both my main and my alt this game

like I said, Your present ISO is wolfy enough.

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you are delusional, I was the one to say something about the min push that led us to focus on Appel

and itā€™s also recent, so Iā€™m not gonna talk about your alt.