Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

I was hesitant on Gorta because of how hard he was still fighting and that his frustration seemed natural.

Like I was saying, I felt that he would have given up more or less. Because even if he somehow survived D6, he wasnā€™t likely to survive D7.

Also the fact that things would have seemingly gone well for the wolves until suddenly they lost 2 members 2 days in a row and were looking like theyā€™d lose the 3rd and be done.

But going with EVOā€™s idea of stating neutrally the towny and scummy things as far as I see nowā€¦

For EVO, towny would be his quickness at going along with ATNo on the PKR vote instead of waiting to see the reactions of everyone else. I suppose this could be a smart play as wolf if he knew where things would head, but still seems risky. As for scummy, it is mostly what Iā€™ve expressed before that may just be personality. But the general approach of his of stating short reads on people, a lot of times seemingly shading people, and not really explaining much of the reasoning. Kind of being cryptic almost on purpose. Only saying that it was obvious and he doesnā€™t feel the need to explain.

For ATNo, towny would naturally be how he turned things around so we went after PKR correctly. Though now I have to wonder if that was a planned bus. Iā€™ll need to look back. It could make sense since PKR was less likely to make it to end game. So scummy would be that maybe his read on PKR was TMI. Not sure where Iā€™d place the push on Gorta. This could go either way as towny because it was reasonable or scummy because Gorta flipped town. Oh, scummy would also go back to his vote to tie the Appel and CRich wagons. I took his story about that as plausible, but Iā€™ll need to reevaluate.

So overall, I think I still find EVO less towny. But again that then makes me wonder why heā€™d keep me alive and whether W!ATNo was counting on me SRing EVO.

Iā€™ll go through ISOs later and see about other scummy and towny things, but those are what stand out to me from what I recall.

It looked clear that you were town from your thoughts and actions even if they were anti-consensus. I still stand by the thought that they donā€™t display TMI which was why I TRed you in the first place.

Being hesitant when we have a ongoing yeeting streak donā€™t really go well together.

hmm, maybe. Just how he handle the situation imitated a wolf mindset FMPOV which I of course pushed him for.

I need to look more especially on Wind. I still find Wind to most likely be a suicide here.

Huh? Yeeting streak means town canā€™t be wrong? This doesnā€™t make sense. You make it sound like all the wolves became obvious and it was just a matter of killing them off one by one. And the fact that Gorta flipped town shows that this was wrong. So I canā€™t understand why you are still standing on saying that any hesitation looks bad. Itā€™s weird.

Really? You think they were a suicide? So were you suspecting them at all earlier than today? Or is it just that them being the NK seems like it would only happen as a suicide? Because really Wind being NKā€™d makes sense as a normal NK.

Though I guess because Windward as a normal NK makes sense, if they did happen to be a wolf with a suicide convert still available, I could see how they might use it. Otherwise they would face suspicion for still being alive. Iā€™m just not sure I believe there actually was a suicide convert still. I was okay with still planning for the possibility previous days just in case.

If I have to explain the whole yeeting streak, I canā€™t fully as it just comes from being very aware of the thread (there are some things I will miss because Iā€™m not a robot). If I had to explain hesitation, itā€™s a combination of TMI and self-awareness as a wolf.

Like I said, thats the most probable FMPOV currently. Without any consideration of previous days itā€™s around 98% either one of you being starting wolf (or wolf up to N6) and 2% EVO being wolf, (With the previous day being 99% Gorta wolf and 1% anything else).

Huh. So even with keeping in mind the wagon tie on appel and crich you TR me the least based off tone alone? Well I value tone a lot too, just not as black and white as your perception of it.

Actions speak louder than words imo, and your actions have been quiet as a mouse. ATNO Townreads me, which leads me to think he will try to vote with me against you. And he may be right, and I may do that.

Butā€¦you still choose to go after me, the one more easily convinced to swap sides, even though the previous is true. I think that is ironically kinda townie.

Haha this sucks. Iā€™ve agreed with ATNO on everything he has said, even taking into consideration being pocketed, and yet, I am doubting him precisely because of how reasonable he seemed.

I doubt I will be the lynch for the day.

T!atno TRā€™s me.

W!atno knows I am already pocketed and it is too late to turn on me.

So whysper, tell me, if I am wolf here, what is stopping me from voting you with atno? Or saying any of this? Wouldnā€™t it be self destructive?

I could just go along with t!atnoā€™s read. I win. But here I am, townleaning you :grin:

Iā€™m mostly saying that based on past days, I would have found you more likely wolf. But because of that, I find it rather odd that W!You would keep me alive here.

The part about ATNo tying the votes was very wolfy on the surface, but his explanation was plausible and why I eventually thought he was town. Windward and I think Uni felt the same. So while yes, the vote by itself looks bad, the explanation looks good still.

Letā€™s say a train was accelerating and then it suddenly stop. Whoever did it wouldnā€™t want to be caught and then blamed on. Now replace train with town momentum and Gortaā€™s yeet with whatever stopped the train. Thatā€™s my thought process rn.

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I still find it weird that you are so certain about this point of view when 1. obviously it turned out wrong and 2. Windward and I both had the same hesitation and obviously at least one of us is town if not both. So obviously town can legitimately feel that hesitation and would have been entirely right in feeling it.

when I said most likely, I literally mean it, give me any more practical explanation and that 98% gets replace with a 5%.

And yes, I agree that W!You could probably just go along with ATNo quickly when heā€™s pretty set on you being town and then get this over with. So the fact that you arenā€™t pushing so hard looks good admittedly.

See, this is also part of the thing. If I were wolf, I would never keep you both around. I would have kept Wind around and had a better chance.