Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

im here as well, i just caught up on the thread
tongue’s analysis looks off to a good start
im also glad the activity here is not dead
because i was starting to fear it was drifting apart.

(please excuse my crappy rhyme
i sacrificed meter in favour of time)

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You tell me buddy, your the one here still playing.

Yes enthusiasm is a scum tell.

Overreaction, no reason to comment on the post count when the concern there was them.

Only 1?

Hmm yeah, I don’t really like them so far I think I can now confidently give them a NullScum.

Your Welcome.

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My GTH Scum Team would be Shirt/Cloud/Eggplant.

(If I’m right, warship me post game.)

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I mean I still have others I need to read and need more from but those 3 stand out to me as most likely wolves.

I think tongue is town right now. I like their solving (and the fact it doesn’t seem full of agenda at all) and the fact that they were still solving instead of letting thread be dead (I believe wolves in this case are content with keeping the thread dead) and the fact that they were not quick to immediately shade me and actually listen to my reasoning and not just assume based off of everyone else that I was “panicked and having trouble defending myself”

I’m very comfortable putting tongue in my small little townhouse along with france

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for those in the thread, may i ask for your take
on popcorn’s speed reads? what would you make
of them, seeing as theyre lacking in reasons
as far as i can tell, its quite unseasoned

Let me take a closer look rq

here is the post, lest you dont want to search
but i must say it makes my stomach lurch.
on the other hand, popcorn is true to their name,
giving popcorn reads in this game :joy:

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I personally don’t think it’s very scummy, and I see them as just quick reads

There definitely isn’t much content to go off of right now, so I don’t think they meant to make very detailed seasoned reads. If they do continue to only give reads like that throughout the game, I shall start getting a tad bit worried.

(Also, am I the only one who is giggling while rereading the thread because of the fact people with joycat profile pictures are writing serious poems? Lol)

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I don’t think it was forced, but rather poorly explained.

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I think they have the right motive though.


it would be twice as funny if i could beget
a more themed tell, but alas i would not
punctuate all of my lines with “baguette”
as i ponder the thread in pensive thought.

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i had forgotten that cloud voted alarm,
but here it is, if it does no harm
to remind myself that this is a take
i am not quite as pleased to personally make.

but if emojis are performative, as well as rhymes
half the players are scum for committing these crimes.
cloud then set a trap for alarm, as it says,
by calling them scum for changing their ways:

however, the next post i quote is quite nice
as cloud claims an RT to add some spice:

they went for the eggplant after that,
where perhaps the reasons are not so flat?
but all i see is shade tossed forth
without giving logic on why theyre a wolf:

then again, heres a take where i dont disagree,
and perhaps cloud is not as bad as you see.
joy_stop felt strange when they popped in and out,
so ill look at them next to see what theyre about.

Wouldn’t be surprised if Cloud and Eggplant are scum together.

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It’d be a fairly decent distance post by them to make

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on second thought, joy_stop is a null.
i dont see much from them that makes me mull
over their slot for more than a minute-
theyve made 14 posts with nothing really in it.

Yeah they are one of the many that needs more content.

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Grapes, Popcorn, Heart, Stop, Moon, Eevee, Hamster, Coin and Baseball need more content.

So yeah basically half the playerlist.

If they can all jump in and start feeding me some content I can have a full reads order.