Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

if you can’t seem to rhyme, you might try a haiku
five-seven-five is the format to do
but poems aren’t required; i’m just having fun
keeping this up till my rhymes are done.

Perhaps it would be best if you don’t try that thing, I’m not sure.
What the truth is… where lies the cure.

When you said it as each single word.
I thought you were saying “O I TNT” but then I realised my thoughts were blurred.

I’m not, gonna try to like, do poems because, it always turns out like, bad, you know,

I never actually, know how to rhyme or, make poems that, sound good, or cool off the, tongue,

Okay wait what if I did something different every post!!! wait

may i remind you, freeverse is also a thing
no one says it has to rhyme
but whatever you choose, i’m sure you can wing
and feel comfortable in due time


I :heart: You joy :star_struck: france :fr:

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As time turns, so does my tune.
Perhaps one post I’ll do this, then it’ll change very soon.

Never going back to have it once was.
For no reason… just because.

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punctuating with emojis? that’s unique
if an individual style is what you seek!
but perhaps the longer posts will get clogged
with all the emojis that you’ve logged.


i’m looking at you :eye: _ :eye:
my thoughts are becoming clear
you speak of what is true
i might know who i have here

I’m prolly gunna change with every post, just cuz. i aint plannin on cloggin up the thread with’em emojis on wallposts. Even littl ol joylarm knows that that ain’t gon’ help town out.

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keep that thought to yourself, if that’s what you think
lest you put yourself on the very brink
of a policy kill - no hinting in this game!
so keep your mind in the right frame :wink:


Is it the truth that you seek that does draw near?
Or perhaps your thoughts are fogged not clear.

Keep your eye on me if you do wish.
As eventually I’ll serve my thoughts as a hot dish.

i do what i want
but my thoughts i won’t flaunt


Very well, keep your thoughts in any chats you may have or your card.
Instead of singing them here like some drunken bard.

It would be nice upon conclusion to know how right you were
Or whatever name you falsely, on speculation of me, did err.

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whats in a name? as the saying goes
from shakespeare, no less, as everyone knows.
the names in this game all begin with joy,
so we stick with those and hope to enjoy!

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It is time for me to leave for now.
But I shall not be taking my final bow.

I do simply have a shift to do.
Perhaps that means something to you?

A shift for studying or perhaps for work?
All I’ll do while you think, is simply smirk.

:smirk: :wave:

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(the regret I have for that rhyme with joy
is something I truly wish to destroy
as I feel it was in bad taste to make,
but that’s my fault alone, and no one else’s to take.)

fare thee well, o moon,
we shall meet again soon!

(that moment when you realise the thread
has none but you - in other words, is dead.
heres to hoping the others will check in and vibe
with what has become a poetry tribe!)

No worr ie s. I wi ll get. there when more people check in!

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