Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

9 minutes and I would be proding host.

9 minutes.

And I would have gotten away with it too, if it werent for you meddling Marshal.


Iā€™m saying that I believe there is scum within you and Cloud.
Thus why Iā€™m leaning Cloud here.
Now, if I were to throw a GTH read on Coin which I did, for now theyā€™d be Town.

Iā€™m saying that they can still be any of TvT, T/S, W/W.

Now I donā€™t think Iā€™m wrong on You/Cloud containing scum.
But I could be.

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I think thatā€™s a dumb take.
But you do you.

Whatā€™s your reasoning exactly?

Do you believe my soft defence towards Alarm looked like theatre?

I mean thatā€™s the only real thing I can think of to where you would get that thought.

Which I mean is a fair point but you also forgot the fact Scum like to go for easy and dumb MLā€™s like Alarm and quite frankly I donā€™t accept that.

Now Iā€™m not super confident on Alarm being Town but I have them higher on my list then most.

Would you be down for a Cloud elimination here?

Pop Thought I just got.

From a Scum PoV if Lock/Cloud are Scum together.

I can see Lock saying that about me and Alarm to softly take suspicious off Cloud or try and discredit myself.

At this moment of time, I wouldnā€™t be against it.
I need to ISO everyone though and that may take some time.

Is there long left in the day?

Tunnel much?
Whatā€™s your read on Cloud?

No clue.
Not sure at exactly what time this game started.

@Joy_Stop has replaced in for @Joy_Stop

If you want to discuss replacements, then STOP, because itā€™s against the rules.


Now, Iā€™m going to ask for the same thing Eggplant did, that being the actual reasons why this wagon has formed. So far, you havenā€™t pointed out a single post, or chain of posts that would make you think me and egg are TVS.
If you want to admit that this is just a gutread, thatā€™s fine, but I really think thatā€™s a bad reason for a D1 ML.

Whatā€™s your exact thoughts regarding Cloud and would you be willing to vote them here?

Just to clarify, does this mean that someone has replaced in from now on compared to the previous owner?

Iā€™m not going to discuss replacements more than this, but, I figured it might be good since theyā€™re still using the same account it seems?

Ask all game questions in your classcard

Well your posts at the beginning to me felt off.
Moon says they felt iffy.
(Which I guess is pretty much the same thing)
Your push towards Eggplant I donā€™t feel as if itā€™s ever a T/T due to how everything was gone about.

But yes, to publicly clarify, there is now a new owner of the Joy_Stop account.

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Yay, maybe we can have someone more active.

Could you ISO Cloud please and then give me your overall thoughts on that slot?

Aw I wanted to talk about Joy_Stop2 having a meta where they freeze up when someone accuses them when their scum.