Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

To be fair this makes sense
and it requires effort
I like joy alarm

Only scum acts like this. This is lock scum. I love the flavor of this game too. Long live the good Joy’s! /vote Joy_Baseball @Marshal

At least you, get it, thanx joypig :heart:

We will.

Indeed it is.

I seriously hope you don’t consider a joyful shirt to be good.
Joy_Weather rise up
/Vote Joy_Shirt @Marshal

My thoughts exactly right now.

Vote Count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
joy_eggplant joy_France, joy_coin 2
joy_cloud joy_heart 1
joy_alarm joy_eggplant 1
joy_baseball joy_shirt 1
joy_shirt joy_cloud 1

Ping me if there are errors.

I’ll examine this vote later. Also, if anyone suspected to be scum dies at night, we’ll need to take a good look at everyone and see who is acting differently than they have been on previous days.

that much should be obvious
however, mafia could also kill an LHF and wreak havoc by making everyone think there was a jump

That’s also a possibility.

Hmmm, the only question is whether or not scum would suggest that.

these baby wagons, lol :bike:

They need nourishment.

what shall we, feed :fries: them?

feed them joy_popcorn


Not sure. What do wagons eat? I also won’t lie. I was starting to think this game would never start.

you haven’t even got a joy_baby wagon yet
how can you know what to feed it

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That might work.

Look at all the Joy_Baby wagons we have. We need a nursery for them.

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