Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

same here, twas a whirlwind
of unwanted stuff.
and id rather not rescind
my take, however rough
on popcorn, who died, which might have been scum,
so we should keep an eye out for an inconsistent one.

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I completely agree

I think thereā€™s a pretty big chance that popcorn jumped honestly. Iā€™m angry because if thatā€™s the case we literally wagoned off of them e

well i was wrong on both shirt and tongue
but yā€™all were wrong on heart
so same same i guess

Think this might be a normal kill actually

Popcorn the greatā€™s slot wasnā€™t widely village read and thus thee night kill makes no sense


i feel like itā€™s in the middle
where it was one of the top wagons as a null, leaving a possibility that it was a jump
but i feel like scum killed them on purpose so scum could point fingers and sow doubt when in actuality there is no reason to

moral of the story: be on the lookout for abnormal behaviors, but also be looking out for those who point fingers


eggplant actually brings a real thought
to the table, where i believe we have not
considered this yet as a possible move
from the wolves, who will be hard to prove.

Iā€™m surprised that youā€™re still talking in poetry and youā€™re doing it at a decent speed

This is actually a good post because it reminded me that this game is going to suck hard to be in lmao

Iā€™m probably gonna spend some time reading the way people acted around eod so Iā€™ll update on that

(im fast at writing; no problem for me
its not such a pain, as you can see.
although, if you ever wish me to cease
just say the word and ill aim to please.)

no no
itā€™s fine
itā€™s amusing at this point
just kinda wish I had similar literary talent
just slightly envious/intimidated

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Thine opinion is noted and itā€™s something I will consider

A potential jump I do see.
But who would they jump, who would they be?

Perhaps though it is just a normal kill.
Maybe weā€™ll find outā€¦ Oh what a thrill!

If people would like to avoid getting themselves modkilled that would be great.
Modkills ruin games. Theyā€™re a thing I hate.


Those two who got modkilled will get the punishment they deserved from the mods. Donā€™t sweat it and we still have a game to play.

Quite a number of people treeing here.
We still have a game, please stop treeing.

Stop, i have a question for you. Why did you townread people for voting me? I struggle to see like

That being something to townread people for? (This is talking about the beginning of your iso)

You also seemed to of explained much just using :eyes: emojis and I want you to elaborate like

A bit if you can. What does :eyes: mean.

Oh is this for me?

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Yes, sorry for not saying Joy first ehnenrkg

In case this is for me, I donā€™t town lean all the voters on you.
Grapes is a questionable slot.
Eggplant and Lock I got good vibes on them reading through their posts and I donā€™t think it makes sense they voted you trying to mis execute you if youā€™re town.

Oh the :eyes:?
They indicate that something has caught my attention and Iā€™m looking at it.
The eyes indicate I think something funny is going on.

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Thank you! I actually liked the fact you didnā€™t jump to be defensive and assume that I was pushing you when I was only just asking you a question. Although town can get defensive obviously, i find it just inherently towny when they simply answer the question and donā€™t seem pressured enough to feel the need to defend themselves.

be back in thread in a bit

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