Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

@CRichard564 gets added to my list of pings here :^)

im also 85% sure im one of three people who uses that on here :^)

And I tried to make it look like Stop was used by someone else except me.

I chose to hide myself because I purposefully had chosen poems as a thing for me to do.

And then to change it up to reaction test and see if others would accuse my slot of being scum so I could turn it around.

Also I think hiding behind an alt kinda made me want to know who could truly work me out.

Also this kinda makes me cry since it sounds nice and sweet.


you were alting on i think sfol 65 i think and you posted it i was like a ha

Well, I didnā€™t try hard to hide myself. Just avoided the smilies, but otherwise wrote the same as I usually do. I got the impression from the OP that we werenā€™t suppose to make ourselves obvious.


Woof discourse just reloaded the page on me and yeeted my draft lol

I just vibed with Baseball and took the opportunity to write in poems after that lmao

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I actually donā€™t remember alting before on this forum lmao.

Just another one.

Also what Whysper said ^ it felt kind of like it would be considered angleshooting if people read each other off meta so I was just actively avoiding it


Also what Whys and Wind said.
But I did want to know who got me.

And Iā€™m really thinking Marl didnā€™t get me because Iā€™m so sure he doesnā€™t think Iā€™m prideful?!?!

Exactly. The OP made it sound like the idea was to sort of hide your identity, so I thought it might be against the rules to be too obvious with things like smilies or certain phrases that people know you by.

I didnā€™t get your slot right away, but the one thing I saw that made me suspect it could be you is that you said youā€™d do a dive into someoneā€™s ISO and I donā€™t think anyone else here uses that

Haha, as soon as I did it, I was like ā€œFUCKā€
I also kinda might have posted on PKR at the start and I had to run to the hosts and ask for it to be deleted.

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This is why alting is good.
Because then you get practice so this doesnā€™t happen.

I didnā€™t alt before this game so it did not go well.

So it sounds like ironically the only person who was trying to be obvious (Cloned) was the least obvious. Haha. :slight_smile:

Tbh I also wanted to force people to read my poetry slot instead of going ā€œoh wallpost itā€™s townā€

I mean, Iā€™m glad you got me from ā€œdiveā€ and not beforehand.
I was worried I fucked up so badly Iā€™d have been modkilled.

But I think I was the first in thread luckily

I wonder if I managed to keep my main ID under wraps better than in SFoL 64.

I didnā€™t guess your slot lol

I was trying to make people think I was someone else though.