Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

Nah France didn’t give me Conroy pings.

Oh no :joy_cat:
Well, the poetry served to both make me (hopefully) a less desirable jump target and to hide my meta
But I guess just being France also helped xD

I seriously thought Wind was Kat at first. You two have similar sense of humor

Yeah, mostly just associated them with France because of the country and not anything about style specifically.

WindwardAway = Fair Stood the Wind for France (Poem) = Joy_France

8 hours before I get to like another post, but the reference is appreciated

I wanted to post something along the lines of this
then I realized that I probably shouldn’t
i have two weeks of being a minor left

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I’m trying to find out a way to make memorising things easier >.>


let’s go with eggplant = town = cheese
i like that

Actually I still think things like poetry and gimmicks don’t necessarily help in making someone less desireable as a jump target. In fact, in some ways it might make them easier. All you have to do is imitate the gimmick a bit when first jumping into the target, then make an excuse for dropping it eventually. People will just see the gimmick matching and won’t really look further into the actual content. Whereas when people type normally, I think it may be more obvious they are jumped because the way they think and their content are less likely to match as well, or would take more effort to match.

At least they’re both food

As is town. Sometimes. Idk, depends how hungry you are.

Because if you’re hungry you can “go to town” on some food.

That makes sense
But that’s also why I was trying so hard not to drop the poems, and why I wrote an overnight post to paste immediately at the start of the day lol


(which I know was a kind of typical thing for me to do lol)

I realize now that isoing is going to be a bit of extra work
Since we have to ISO the alt slot as well as the main from now on


I mean if we’re able to find out associations it might make it easier (Between the alt and the main)

And if knowing about the alt owners now, we’re able to backread each ISO one by one and analyse it using meta potentially. And come to conclusions there.

Yeah, true. Though somewhat less posts this game than there typically are.

Yeah, but that’s why I think we should start isoing now lol
While the post count is still relatively low


I mean, we could agree to all do that and have a break from thread then meet up at a chosen time.
Or we can just do it passively and attempt to not fluff.

Either works.