Thing Game - Joy Flavor - Game Over - Town Wins!

And this is where I think the reveal is slightly unfair for wolves. Popcorn probably didn’t bother faking their own style D1 because there’s no need. The faking is only needed after a jump. But now that the players are revealed, we can look at the current slot holders and see who fits best as Popcorn.

Beforehand wolves were able to just jump if they received pressure though.

So I understand your argument, however, I would expect some counterplay to wolves just being able to avoid everything if they’re able to scrape by from a day.

Another thing I think might be significant is if there were any sudden CFDs.
And if so who orchestrated them.
(I think to do this it’d be easiest to read Marsh’s ISO)

(Or any of the hosts. But I remember Marsh doing a lot of them)

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And to expand on this too (Yes, I know this is major EBWOP but I cannot do it any other way)

It sounds based on the start of day message that this decision of counterplay wasn’t an instant thing.

So it’s possible they thought they could jump every night.
Which would reinforce that Popcorn was likely a jump. If to them it was unlimited at the time.

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Also, the fact that it is limited to 2 for the whole game now makes it likely that 1 and only 1 jump was used so far. Definitely not 2, which would mean they can’t use the new suicide/convert at all.

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I agree.
Though I also know that we’re reading into this so much that it’s semi angleshooty heh

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Yeah, true

I’m somewhat ashamed that I already have almost the same amount of posts as Moon.
But I am like one of the highest post count people with my main so I guess it’s alright :\

We did lose 2 extra town slots due to modkills early on. And this reading of Popcorn to check who they originally were will only work this one time. So maybe it sort of balances out. :slight_smile:

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I guess so, that’s a fair way to look at it.

I’m going to say this, I do hope that we do learn who these slots are who got modkilled (and killed before reveals were done anyway). But when we do of course, no witchhunting or anything should be done.

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Well, if they are revealed, we don’t need to witchhunt. Just witch burn! :slight_smile:

(just kidding :slight_smile: )

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Cloned must be writing a wallpost or something :slight_smile:

Rereading your slot as Joy_Grapes is a bit difficult to be able to really ascertain what I think
(Since I know you did replace in, so I’m having to try and think of tone pre-replace and post-replace.)

You replaced in at #1474.

So the first 11 posts were from your previous owner.
The next 18 were yours.

I liked owner 1 (I’m going to call them this since this wasn’t revealed (Yes, I know I’m discussing the slot in different ways which may be considered discussing a replacement. But I need to do it to analyse the styles since this game has involved jumping too)) initially because they said v/v vibes from Baseball and France (Which we know is whoever first owned Baseball and Wind (Unless Wind jumped but from how they’ve been behaving, I think they genuinely were France from the start. Not popcorn who jumped.)). It was a good initial thought and was proactive.

#237 and #243 were also really good by Owner 1. I thought they were it came across as not disingenuous and I feel like their reactions might’ve been a bit different if they were scum since they’d have more to read into things?

I think your progression after replacing was really consistent from what I’ve seen from town you. You came into thread giving your thoughts and even when WiM was low, you continued to analyse and tried to be present to motivate others.

Since replacing in, you’ve been supportive and positive, keeping up from where you were before.
My biggest concern is that the Popcorn jump iirc was before you replaced in?

And your slot didn’t really do anything after the Popcorn death until you replaced in.
So there’s literally no way to compare it.

So I’m leaning town (for sure)
But the situation surrounding your slot is really unfortunate if we’re both agreeing that Popcorn was almost certainly a jump.

Yeah Popcorn dying at night when they were suspected is something that’s been on my mind.
Though I would think if they did jump it would be panic motivated. Dunno.
Then again I can see W!Popcorn panicking with a jump meaning one out of two is gone.

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I mean after 2 modkills and 1 town lynch on D1 leading into N1…
I think Popcorn for sure would have been the suspect come D2.

Hence why I could see it as a panic move.


Right, the jump would have been N1, and I replaced in mid-D2. And yeah, the previous owner of my slot pretty much stopped doing anything mid-D1 I think.

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It makes resolving your slot as non-Popcorn jump annoyingly impossible.

But still I think with how you have interacted with me in here that I can believe that your slot did not do the jump and then slank.

And yes, I know I somewhat contradicted myself.
But I mean as in tonal shift is impossible to analyse (Since owner 1 stopped posting, then Popcorn died, then you replaced.

So I’m just having to go based off social vibes right here.

Unfortunately I’d agree that my slot would look like an ideal candidate for the jump destination due to the original owner’s D1. And there’s the angleshooty argument about what’s likely after the jump…

But the best way for me to prove this slot is to show the actual likely jump destination. Which like I was saying earlier, I think is Joy_Eevee (EVO).

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