[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]

Kyo claimed there was a claimvig in the other thread at least

huh. well its not like the title precludes it from being a claim vig. just doesnt feel like if from the title alone.

:man_shrugging: its probably best to just be careful anyways

for now we event waiting room

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Hmmm, I can see most people here agree that Leafia is town.
But I am honestly unsure.
Some of Leaf’s posts remind me of scum games that I know of from Pro Mafia.

what about them?

Leaf is trying to play off “If I was scum I would do (X) but idk”
It is what I got angry about before when people thought leafia was TWTBAW when doing all this.
I think that instead she is playing off it for her “town tells”.

I would lynch her right now out of anyone… likely.

hello cheesester


Romance in the air


You’re stuck on this battleship for the next three years!
And you’re all very horny teenagers
i think you can guess what comes next
might as well make the process formal.

Send a message to the host, with some
Include who you want to be the recipeient.

To expedite the process, provide to me in your classcard a template “yes” answer and a template “no” answer.

do not send the message directly.

The sent messages will be publically revealed once the deadline passes.

Winning pair, with the best crossing messages, will be put in a neighborhood!

You have until 2020-07-07T19:30:00Z

I’m confused what are we doing


two things you need to do
FYI you can send infinite messages
have fun

I don’t know what we’re supposed to send though???

…to be more concise
because ppl are confused

…seduce another player

It is I, Geyde, the true gamer ascendant
I have officially declared Mist town lol

why is this inherently town


off of what

I can see into your soul

bold of you to assume I have one of those

You have one animal