[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]

…Eh, I say you should keep pressuring people you find suspicious. You don’t need to stay silent just because someone else doesn’t have the same opinion as you. Town can have wrong reads, and wolves can try to sidetrack people.

that’s true and is also why I’m voting simon

I have detailed this read multiple times

Just woke up what’s VC


I got 5 hours of sleep

and we got 40 minutes left

what do

Kill PKR

y tho

Because I like Simon

And I don’t have any particular feelings about PkR


I can’t remember anything he’s really done this game And I don’t like that

y tho

/vote NoLynch @clonedcheese

honestly this is the most gamer move

None of us agree on who should be yote and if i’m honest I personally at least have reservations voting literally anyone here

There probably are scum in this thread

but I don’t feel confident in my ability to find them atm

Don’t we vote the host instead of no Execute

oh we do

/vote clonedcheese @clonedcheese

guys my hammer passive is really good you should let me have hammer


its a reference to a really gamer game called lord of the rings forum mafia

we all had passives that worked depending on who got hammer

and we all wanted hammer

i mean tbh it’s better for it just to be public (aka via plurality)

so ideally we want it a l-2 or even l-1 where quickhammering is openwolfing (as it is only denying the game public info and not doing anything else)



EoD is in 20 minutes

I want to yeet host unless y’all have a better idea

who do we yeet

you know what

I’m legit down for this

/vote noyeet @clonedcheese