[THREAD 1] Homestuck FM - The Battleship (Year 1) [6/8]

You can go take a look at their earlier games, if you wish. The only one I’m aware of is DGADT where they replaced (although late) into a town slot.

leafia is town because gorta is a wolf being opportunistic
-me, who has never correctly read gorta

Dosent Gorta have like 3 posts

I have like half the posts in here

Can we start using this thread guys

Why are people pushing PLs now

What the fuck is even going on

Anyways I’m Liking Kyo so far they seem to genuinely be trying to solve the game

hot take: leafia is fine and yall over there are over-reacting

like leafia’s initial suspicion on centuries is just fine
and then the subsequent reaction to centuries’s reaction makes sense

just because it was as a result of you suspecting them kinda, does not make it bad or invalidated. that is not the point of OMGUS

OMGUS is when you direct suspicion off of yourself and onto one of your suspectors by making a big deal out of it.
leafia noted what you said, and then said they’ll be keeping an eye on you.
they werent like “wow guys centuries is obv scum look at this bad play!”

I just don’t want to read leafia

They Hurt me on a personal level

I also think PLing them is dumb

On a base level LAMIST on it’s own isn’t necessarily scum AI

Why do you think this is Centries

Fuck it

I’m just going to slot leafia as town because I’ll cry if mafia plays this fucking weird

yeah so

thats meme-lamist not actual lamist centuries

centuries, you need to ping the hos in the vote post

What have they done that’s opportunistic

that is obviously memeing @Centuries

“hmm wow i dont know anyone here is town, but im defnitely town, ha! lol”
this is a transcription of what they said
obv meme

also centuries for the kyo thing. i dont think ive been arguing based on terminology like kyo said.
i said what an omgus is in my defninition and im saying this isnt that. and so it was fine.