[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

A truthful one.

I’m asking why you think Centuries tunneling Leafia is town AI

DG&DT regrets intensify

Because I think it’s town AI for someone to tunnel, especially this early into the game.

Do you mean engage in an interaction
Not tunnel

Maybe I need to reread.

It looked like tunneling to me but maybe it wasn’t…

This is a subjective matter, but I’d beg to differ nonetheless. I do not believe that early tunneling is something that should be considered Town Indicative, as tunneling does not actually progress the gamestate in the good direction.

I may be bad at social deduction, but I know what stuff shouldn’t be encouraged.

At this point we’re just arguing terminology.
I’m going to assume you meant engage in an interaction.
You can’t really say someone tunneled within 200 posts of the game.

I can, and based on my personal experience, it ain’t something pleasant for the town as a whole.

Centuries is indeed tunneling me right now.

Centuries is not tunneling you
This is a 10p game with 200 posts and four 0 posters / very low posters prior to the interaction

Yes he is. He voted for me and is 100% certain that I’m scum and is obviously trying to convince other people that I’m scum too. If what he’s doing isn’t tunneling, I don’t know what is.

… He’s trying to convince other people his read is correct.
I have no idea what you are regurgitating, Leafia

That’s basically what tunneling is Kyo. Trying to get someone lynched and it’s stopping other reads from being made.

Given that there are 4 inactives, it ain’t that bad yet though. In the first place, do you really expect that all 6 non-inactives will suddenly quicklynch you out of nowhere?

FTR, this is impossible, as one of those six is yourself.

No. That won’t happen.

Then just let Cent be. It ain’t as if it will matter until the others arrive anyway.

That’s true enough and you’re right.

Still wondering how App could possibly know all that about the NK though. Unless he is said NK.