[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

What motivation do you believe there is for fourfourfourfour bleeding you?

He’s the only who semi SRs me

if he’s the bleeder

maybe town

eh maybe im reading this badly

/vote fourfourfourfour @clonedcheese

Okay. …wait. Wouldn’t this be bad if NK is in this thread and rampages on Cent?

Leafia is using Pocket Dimension (or whatever it is called), they won’t die.

I mean that’s kinda self resolving :^)

No, because Leafia can delay her death and she’d just delay the rampage

Original VC I swear

Voted Voters Votes
Leafia Centuries, an_gorta_pratai 2/5
Zone_Q11 fourfourfourfour 1/5
fourfourfourfour Zone_Q11, Leafia 2/5

yell for mistakes

Leafia has it been confirmed that you can save me?

@clonedcheese Still waiting for an answer to my question in my classcard.



we’ll see i guess

How long does it take you to bleed out?
Was that mentioned?

Cloned hasn’t replied to me in my classcard yet.

Oh yeah… In other words, she should be fine.
…I feel as if I am about to die by the NK for talking about them.

End of day 2 :^)

Reeee ppl are pileing on my greencheck :frowning:

/vote leafia @clonedcheese

Who is your greencheck?

Cheese said end of N2 beginning of N3 but I think it’s a spelling mistake :^)

4x4, said it earlier i think?

is that a N0 green