[THREAD 2] Homestuck FM - The Meteor (Year 1) [5/10]

Maybe if mathmods didn’t claim that atrocious 25% silent redirection chance.

Didn’t see it. Wouldn’t have cared about it anyway.

Yeah… Dunno why scum would kill the mentally insecure cop.
Then again, I don’t know who else would’ve been a better target.

maybe they were afraid of nk

there’s been no nk kill right

I doubt mathmods is the NK kill

No NK kill, and App claimed NK info in the other thread. Chances are it’s in their thread.
I don’t see why they’d be afraid of NK in this thread.

I mean

do we know if it happens in the person with info’s thread

idk how game was randed

I’m pretty sure roles are supposed to be in certain threads based on flavor analysis of the other thread.
Think roles were dedicated in certain thread then randed to players.

  • …? They were afraid of NK? Who are “they”?
  • There seems to be no NK kill in either thread. Maybe they didn’t do anything?

They is scum?

I mean what else could they mean?

Mathmods was likely the target for reads over mechanics
Which hints towards Ash being scum
Unless we have a bus driver/redirector

Did ash bus

I don’t think

I thought you meant “mathmods”, since I don’t understand your thought process in the first place.
I don’t understand how “scum is afraid of NK” would result into “mathmods dying”.

Strifes are 15% chance.
Could’ve been a distancing attempt.

mathmods = not obvious kill

ash/kyo/whatever is obvious kill

if nk = rampage

scum dont want to visit nk kill

Ah… I see.

Who bled me though


Why was I bled this early though

Hey @fourfourfourfour, could you please tell me what you did last night?
Did you heal somebody?